Thursday, December 02, 2010 at 1:00 PM.
<<12/2/10; 10:49:43 AM by DW
<<Sometimes I move around domains and content and lose track of which domains are still hosted on the server I'm looking at. This script tells me for sure.
local (adroutline =, adrdomain);
local (myAddress = tcp.dns.getdottedid (""), dir = right);
new (outlinetype, adroutline);
target.set (adroutline);
edit (adroutline);
op.setlinetext ("Good domains");
on addlinkatt (url) {
local (atts);
new (tabletype, @atts);
atts.type = "link";
atts.url = "http://" + domain + "/";
op.attributes.addgroup (@atts)};
for adrdomain in {
local (domain = nameof (adrdomain^));
try {
if tcp.dns.getdottedid (domain) == myAddress {
op.insert (domain, dir); dir = down;
addlinkatt ("http://" + domain + "/")}}};
op.go (left, 1); op.insert ("Bad domains", down); dir = right;
for adrdomain in {
local (domain = nameof (adrdomain^), flgood = true, ip = "");
try {
ip = tcp.dns.getdottedid (domain);
if ip != myAddress {
flgood = false}}
else {
flgood = false};
if not flgood {
if ip == "" {
op.insert (domain, dir)}
else {
op.insert (domain + " = " + ip, dir);
addlinkatt ("http://" + domain + "/")};
dir = down}}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.