Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.
on edit (adr, windowTitle=nil, flReadOnly=false, adrButtonTable=nil) {
<<Open a window for editing. Return the address of the previous target.
<<08/14/00; 2:29:34 PM by PBS
<<Instead of using a try statement to determine if it's a window-based object or a scalar, use a case statement. Supply the flReadOnly parameter to only if this is 7.0b6 or greater.
<<If you're using 7.0b5 or earlier, then the flReadOnly parameter has no effect, but it can still be passed to this script without causing an error.
<<11/2/01; 10:46:03 AM by BS
<<adrButtonTable is a new optional parameter. If set, it's the address of a table of scripts to attach to buttons in an outline window.
if defined (adr^) { //is it defined?
case typeOf (adr^) { //is it a window-based object?
wpTextType {
local (oldtarget = target.set (adr));
if windowTitle != nil {
window.setTitle (adr, windowTitle)};
if date.versionLessThan (Frontier.version (), "7.0b6") { (adr)} //flReadOnly not yet supported
else {
if (adrButtonTable != nil) and (not (date.versionLessThan (Frontier.version (), "7.1b18"))) { (adr, flReadOnly, adrButtonTable)}
else { (adr, flReadOnly)}};
return (oldTarget)}}};
<<It's a scalar or it's not defined.
local (oldtarget = target.get ());
on kernelcall (adr) {
kernel (lang.edit)};
kernelcall (adr)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.