Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.

on date (val, flErrorOnInvalidDate=false) {
		<<09/16/04; 12:56:38 PM by JES
			<<Ignore the value of flErrorOnInvalidDate. It's better to get an error if the date format is not valid.
		<<05/28/03; 2:40:16 PM by JES
			<<New optional parameter, flErrorOnInvalidDate. If true, an invalid date value will cause an error. Default is false, preserving existing behavior.
		<<03/26/01; 12:12:02 PM by PBS
			<<If the kernel can't coerce the value to a date, this may be an international system and the value may be a string in GMT, the output of date.netStandardString. In that case, try to turn that string into a date.
	on kernelcall (val) {
		kernel (};
	try {
		kernelcall (val)}
	else {
		local (kernelError = tryError); //save the error string reported by the kernel
		try {
			val = string (val);
			if val endsWith "GMT" { //output of date.netStandardString
				local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
				day = string.nthField (val, ' ', 2);
				local (monthString = string.nthField (val, ' ', 3));
				case string.lower (monthString) {
					"jan" {
						month = 1};
					"feb" {
						month = 2};
					"mar" {
						month = 3};
					"apr" {
						month = 4};
					"may" {
						month = 5};
					"jun" {
						month = 6};
					"jul" {
						month = 7};
					"aug" {
						month = 8};
					"sep" {
						month = 9};
					"oct" {
						month = 10};
					"nov" {
						month = 11};
					"dec" {
						month = 12}};
				year = string.nthField (val, ' ', 4);
				local (timeString = string.nthField (val, ' ', 5));
				hour = string.nthField (timeString, ':', 1);
				minute = string.nthField (timeString, ':', 2);
				second = string.nthField (timeString, ':',3);
				local (theDate = date.set (day, month, year, hour, minute, second));
				theDate = theDate + date.getCurrentTimeZone (); //adjust for time zone
				return (theDate)}
			else { //JES 5/28/03: re-throw the error
				<<if flErrorOnInvalidDate //JES 9/16/04: ignore parameter. it's better to get the error
				scriptError (kernelError)}}
		else {
			scriptError (kernelError)}}}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.