Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.
on getOpmlFeeds (opmltext, adrfeeds, adrlistinfo=nil) {
<<9/17/09; 6:59:08 AM by DW
<<If there's a <link> in the <head> with rel == "alternate" use it to set the link in the listinfo table.
<<9/3/09; 3:54:29 AM by DW
<<Add optional adrlistinfo param, if non-nil, we copy info about the OPML into the table.
<<7/28/09; 3:42:49 PM by DW
<<Created. Get a list of feeds from OPML. Dives into any level of hierarchy and pulls out the feeds.
local (xstruct, now = ());
on decode (s) {
return (xml.entitydecode (s, flAlphaEntities:true))};
xml.compile (opmltext, @xstruct);
<<scratchpad.getopmlxstruct = xstruct
new (tabletype, adrfeeds);
local (adropml = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "opml"));
bundle { //listinfo, 9/3/09 by DW
if adrlistinfo != nil {
new (tabletype, adrlistinfo);
adrlistinfo^.title = "";
adrlistinfo^.dateCreated = now;
adrlistinfo^.dateModified = now;
try {
local (adrhead = xml.getaddress (adropml, "head"));
try {adrlistinfo^.title = decode (xml.getvalue (adrhead, "title"))};
try {adrlistinfo^.dateCreated = date (xml.getvalue (adrhead, "dateCreated"))};
try {adrlistinfo^.dateModified = date (xml.getvalue (adrhead, "dateModified"))};
bundle { //find the link, 9/17/09 by DW
local (adr);
for adr in adrhead {
if nameof (adr^) endswith "link" {
local (adratts = @adr^.["/atts"]);
if string.lower (adratts^.rel) == "alternate" {
if adratts^.type == "text/html" {
if sizeof (adratts^.href) > 0 {
adrlistinfo^.link = adratts^.href};
if not defined (adrlistinfo^.link) {
adrlistinfo^.link = ""}}}}};
local (adrbody = xml.getaddress (adropml, "body"));
on processOutline (adroutline, flfirstlevel) {
local (adrsuboutline);
if not flfirstlevel {
local (adratts = @adroutline^.["/atts"]);
if defined (adratts^) {
if defined (adratts^.type) {
if adratts^.type == "rss" {
local (adrsubtable = @adrfeeds^.[adratts^.xmlUrl]);
new (tabletype, adrsubtable);
adrsubtable^.atts = adratts^}}}};
for adrsuboutline in adroutline {
if nameof (adrsuboutline^) endswith "outline" {
processOutline (adrsuboutline, false)}}};
processOutline (adrbody, true)}
<<bundle //test code
<<local (f = frontier.pathstring + "twOpml:nytnewbie.opml")
<<local (s = string (file.readwholefile (f)))
<<local (s = file.readwholefile (file.getspecialfolderpath ("", "Desktop Folder", false) + "mysubscriptions.opml"))
<<local (s = file.readwholefile ("Ohio:mysubscriptions.opml"))
<<s = tcp.httpreadurl ("")
<<getOpmlFeeds (s, @scratchpad.opmlfeeds, @scratchpad.opmllistinfo)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.