Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.
on compile (adrservice, flSaveData, adrStoryArrivedCallback) {
<<8/13/04; 3:44:16 PM by JES
<<Created. Format driver for atom 0.3 feeds.
<<Based on original by DW, 7/11/03
<<7/11/03; 3:19:52 PM by DW
<<Comments here:
<<ATOM 0.3 specification:
on addToHistory (adritem, categorylist={}) {
bundle { //if the item has a permalink, use that
if defined (adritem^.permalink) or defined (adritem^.guid) {
local (guidval);
if defined (adritem^.guid) {
guidval = adritem^.guid}
else { //use permalink for guidval
guidval = adritem^.permalink};
local (adrinhistory = @adrhistory^.[guidval]);
if not defined (adrinhistory^) { //it's a new story
local (flskipnew = false);
if sizeof (adritem^.title) > 0 {
try {flskipnew = defined (adrhistory^.[adritem^.title])}}; //a newly 2.0'd feed
if not flskipnew {
if adrStoryArrivedCallback != nil {
adrStoryArrivedCallback^ (adrservice, adritem)}}};
adrinhistory^ = true; //it's current
local (title = adritem^.title);
if sizeOf (title) > 0 {
local (adrinhistory = @adrhistory^.[title]);
if not defined (adrinhistory^) { //it's a new story
if adrStoryArrivedCallback != nil {
adrStoryArrivedCallback^ (adrservice, adritem)}};
adrinhistory^ = true}}; //it's current
local (xstructcopy = adrservice^.xmlstruct, adrxstruct = @xstructcopy);
local (adrcomp = @adrservice^.compilation);
local (adrhistory = @adrcomp^.itemHistory);
local (adrfeed = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "feed"));
if not (adrfeed^.["/atts"].version == "0.3") { //error -- incompatible version
scriptError ("Can't compile the feed because version " + adrfeed^.["/atts"].version + " is unknown. Version must be 0.3.")};
new (tabletype, @adrcomp^.items);
on encodeHtmlCharacters (s) { //encode &, < and > for literal display in browser
s = string.replaceAll (s, "&", "&");
s = string.replaceAll (s, "<", "<");
s = string.replaceAll (s, ">", ">");
return (s)};
on patchUrl (adrurl, baseurl) { //patch relative URL to absolute URL
if sizeOf (baseurl) > 0 {
if not (adrurl^ contains ":") {
if adrurl^ beginsWith "/" {
local (urlparts = string.urlSplit (baseurl));
baseurl = urlparts[1] + urlparts[2]}
else {
while adrurl^ beginswith "../" {
local (urlparts = string.urlSplit (baseurl));
urlparts[3] = "/" + urlparts[3];
if urlparts[3] endswith "/" {
urlparts[3] = string.popTrailing (urlparts[3], "/")};
baseurl = urlparts[1] + urlparts[2] + string.popSuffix (urlparts[3], "/") + "/";
adrurl^ = string.delete (adrurl^, 1, 3)}};
adrurl^ = string.popTrailing (baseurl, "/") + "/" + string.popLeading (adrurl^, "/")}};
on getElementValue (adrelement) { //get the value of an atom:element, decoding as specified
local (s = "", type = "text/plain", mode = "xml");
if typeOf (adrelement^) == tableType { //pcdata, cdata, or embedded xhtml
bundle { //set type and mode, and get element content
if defined (adrelement^.["/atts"].type) {
type = adrelement^.["/atts"].type};
if defined (adrelement^.["/atts"].mode) {
mode = adrelement^.["/atts"].mode};
if defined (adrelement^.["/pcdata"]) {
s = adrelement^.["/pcdata"]};
if defined (adrelement^.["/cdata"]) {
s = adrelement^.["/cdata"]}};
case mode {
"xml" {
local (xfrag = adrelement^);
on visitproc (adr) {
if nameOf (adr^) beginswith "/" {
if nameOf (adr^) == "/pcdata" {
adr^ = string.replace (adr^, "&", "&");
adr^ = string.replace (adr^, "<", "<");
adr^ = string.replace (adr^, ">", ">")}};
return (true)};
table.visit (@xfrag, @visitproc);
local (adrsub);
for adrsub in @xfrag {
if not (nameOf (adrsub^) beginswith "/") {
local (frag = xml.decompile (adrsub));
frag = string.delete (frag, 1, string.patternMatch (">", frag) );
if type == "application/xhtml+xml" { //decode &'s encoded by xml.decompile
frag = string.replaceAll (frag, "&", "&")};
s = s + string.trimWhiteSpace (frag)}}};
"base64" {
s = base64.decode (s)};
"escaped" {
try {
s = xml.entityDecode (s, false, true, true)}
else { //old version of xml.entityDecode?
s = string.replaceAll (s, "<", "<");
s = string.replaceAll (s, ">", ">");
s = string.replaceAll (s, """, "\"");
s = xml.entityDecode (s, false, true);
s = string.replaceAll (s, "&", "&")}}}}
else { //plain-text string
try {
s = xml.entityDecode (adrelement^, false, true, true)}
else { //old version of xml.entityDecode?
s = xml.entityDecode (adrelement^, false, true)}};
case type {
"text/plain" { //encode HTML with entities, for correct display in browser
s = string.replaceAll (s, "&", "&");
s = string.replaceAll (s, "<", "<");
s = string.replaceAll (s, ">", ">");
s = string.replaceAll (s, "\"", """)};
"text/html" {
}};//do nothing -- this is what we need out the other end anyway
return (s)};
on getSubElementValue (adr, name) {
local (adrsub = xml.getAddress (adr, name));
return (getElementValue (adrsub))};
on getAuthorValue (adr) {
local (name="", url="", email="");
try {name = getSubElementValue (adr, "name")};
try {email = getSubElementValue (adr, "email")};
try {url = getSubElementValue (adr, "url")};
local (baseUrl = base);
try {baseUrl = adr^.["/atts"].["xml:base"]};
if sizeOf (url) > 0 {
patchUrl (@url, baseUrl)};
if name == "" {
if email == "" {
if url == "" {
return ("")}
else {
return (url)}}
else {
if url == "" {
return (email)}
else {
return (url + " (" + email + ")")}}}
else {
if url == "" {
if email == "" {
return (name)}
else {
return (name + " (" + email + ")")}}
else {
if email == "" {
return (html.getLink (name, url))}
else {
return (html.getLink (name, url) + " (" + email + ")")}}}};
local (months);
bundle { //set months -- used for shortcut to converting UTC time via date.netStandardString
months = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}};
local (encoding = "", base = "", author = "", pubdate = ());
bundle { //set feed globals for character-encoding and base url
local (adrxml = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "?xml"));
if defined (adrxml^.encoding) {
encoding = string.lower (adrxml^.encoding);
case encoding { //recompile XML with correct character encoding
"utf-8" {
xml.compile (string.utf8ToAnsi (adrservice^.xmltext), @xstructcopy);
adrxml = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "?xml");
adrfeed = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "feed")};
"utf-16" {
scriptError ("Can't read this item because UTF-16 encoding is not supported.")}}};
if defined (adrfeed^.["/atts"].["xml:base"]) {
base = adrfeed^.["/atts"].["xml:base"]};
try { //get feed-level author
local (adrauthor = xml.getAddress (adrfeed, "author"));
author = getAuthorValue (adrauthor)}};
bundle { //set feed-level items
adrcomp^.format = "atom 0.3";
adrcomp^.channeltitle = getSubElementValue (adrfeed, "title");
bundle { //set adrcomp^.channellink
adrcomp^.channellink = ""; //it's possible that there's only one <link rel...> which we don't understand
<<Loop over <link rel="..." ...> tags, and use the first rel="alternate" whose type="text/html" or "application/xhtml+xml"
local (adrlinks = xml.getAddressList (adrfeed, "link") );
local (adr);
for adr in adrlinks {
if adr^.["/atts"].rel == "alternate" {
case string.lower (adr^.["/atts"].type) {
"application/xhtml+xml" {
adrcomp^.channellink = adr^.["/atts"].href;
patchUrl (@adrcomp^.channellink, base);
adrcomp^.channeldescription = "";
try {adrcomp^.channeldescription = getSubElementValue (adrfeed, "tagline")}}; //tagline is optional
bundle { //loop over entries
local (adr, ct = 1);
local (sfeed = sizeOf (adrfeed^), i);
for i = sfeed downto 1 {
adr = @adrfeed^[i];
if nameof (adr^) endswith "\tentry" {
local (adritem = @adrcomp^.items.[string.padwithzeros (ct++, 5)]);
new (tabletype, adritem);
local (entryAuthor = "", entryTitle = "", content = "");
bundle { //author
try { //item-level author
local (adrauthor = xml.getAddress (adr, "author"));
entryAuthor = getAuthorValue (adrauthor)}
else { //feed-level author
if author != "" {
entryAuthor = author}}};
bundle { //title
try {
entryTitle = getSubElementValue (adr, "title")}};
bundle { //guid
try {
adritem^.guid = getSubElementValue (adr, "id")}};
bundle { //pubdate
local (d = getSubElementValue (adr, "issued"));
local (y = string.mid (d, 1, 4));
local (m = string.mid (d, 6, 2));
local (dy = string.mid (d, 9, 2));
local (hr = string.mid (d, 12, 2));
local (min = string.mid (d, 15, 2));
local (sec = string.mid (d, 18, 2));
local (zone = string.mid (d, 20, infinity));
local (zonemin = 0);
if string.lower (zone) == "z" { //UTC
pubdate = date (dy + " " + months[number(m)] + " " + y + " " + hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec + " GMT")}
else { //have to convert time
y = number (y);
m = number (m);
dy = number (dy);
hr = number (hr);
min = number (min);
sec = number (sec);
zonemin = ( (60*number(string.mid(zone,2,2))) + number(string.mid(zone,5,2)));
if zone[1] == "-" {
zonemin = 0-zonemin};
pubdate = date.set (dy, m, y, hr, min, sec) + (60*zonemin)}};
bundle { //permalink, link, sourceChannelTitle, sourceChannelUrl
local (adrlink, adrlinks = xml.getAddressList (adr, "link") );
for adrlink in adrlinks {
if defined (adrlink^.["/atts"].rel) {
local (baseUrl = base);
if defined (adrlink^.["/atts"].["xml:base"]) {
baseUrl = adrlink^.["/atts"].["xml:base"]};
case string.lower (adrlink^.["/atts"].rel) {
"alternate" { //permalink
if defined (adrlink^.["/atts"].type) {
case string.lower (adrlink^.["/atts"].type) {
"application/xhtml+xml" {
adritem^.permalink = adrlink^.["/atts"].href;
patchUrl (@adritem^.permalink, baseUrl)}}}};
"related" { //external link
if defined (adrlink^.["/atts"].type) {
case string.lower (adrlink^.["/atts"].type) {
"application/xhtml+xml" {
adritem^.link = adrlink^.["/atts"].href;
patchUrl (@adritem^.link, baseUrl)}}}};
"source" {
adritem^.sourceChannelTitle = adrlink^.["/atts"].title;
adritem^.sourceChannelUrl = adrlink^.["/atts"].href;
patchUrl (@adritem^.sourceChannelUrl, baseUrl)}}}};
if not defined (adritem^.guid) { //use permalink for guid, for item history
adritem^.guid = adritem^.permalink}};
<<bundle //comments
<<//Not supported as of the 0.3 version of the spec. As best I can tell, all you get is a link to a feed for comments, or a set of links to atom entries for individual comments, and not a link to the HTML page that displays comments for this entry.
bundle { //content (a.k.a. description), and top-level title string (mashed data)
try { //prefer full content
content = getSubElementValue (adr, "content")}
else { //use summary instead
try { //summary is optional
content = getSubElementValue (adr, "summary")}};
local (linkUrl = "", linkHtml = "");
if defined (adritem^.permalink) { //prefer permalink over link
linkUrl = adritem^.permalink}
else { //no permalink -- use link if present
if defined (adritem^.link) {
linkUrl = adritem^.link}};
if entryTitle == "" { //empty title -- use the # mark for the link text
entryTitle = "#"};
if sizeOf (linkUrl) > 0 { //we have a link -- generate the HTML for display
linkHtml = html.getLink (entryTitle, linkUrl)}
else { //no link -- do we have a title?
if entryTitle == "#" { //no link or title
linkHtml = ""}
else { //no link -- just use the title
linkHtml = entryTitle}};
if sizeOf (entryAuthor) > 0 {
adritem^.title = linkHtml + " " + content + " - " + entryAuthor}
else {
adritem^.title = linkHtml + " " + content}};
bundle { //data sub-table of item
if flSaveData {
local (adrdata = @adritem^.data);
new (tabletype, adrdata);
adrdata^.author = entryAuthor;
adrdata^.description = content;
adrdata^.link = adritem^.permalink;
adrdata^.pubdate = date.netStandardString (pubdate);
adrdata^.title = entryTitle}};
addToHistory (adritem)}}};
return (true)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.