Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.
on compile (adrservice, flSaveData, adrStoryArrivedCallback) {
<<3/20/02; 8:56:12 AM by DW
<<Sam Devore and others got hit by a limit in xml.getAddressList re the length of addresses. If they get too long the kernel starts doing weird things. Work around it by working with a copy of the compiled XML structure.
<<3/19/02; 5:42:21 PM by DW
<<Handle case where byline is empty.
<<Decode the timestamp into the internal date format.
<<3/19/02; 1:31:15 PM by DW
<<Assume one section only per feed, include the section title in the channel title.
<<3/15/02; 2:58:27 PM by DW
on decode (s) {
return (xml.rss.decodeString (s))};
on easy2readname (name) {
<<Convert BULL MANCUSO to Bull Mancuso.
local (s = "", flcap = true, ch);
while sizeof (name) > 0 {
ch = name [1];
name = string.delete (name, 1, 1);
if not flcap {
ch = string.lower (ch)};
s = s + ch;
flcap = ch == " "};
return (s)};
on converttimestamp (nytimesformatdate) {
<<Convert something like 20020319140340 to a date type.
local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
date.get ( (), @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
try {year = number (string.mid (nytimesformatdate, 1, 4))};
try {month = number (string.mid (nytimesformatdate, 5, 2))};
try {day = number (string.mid (nytimesformatdate, 7, 2))};
try {hour = number (string.mid (nytimesformatdate, 9, 2))};
try {minute = number (string.mid (nytimesformatdate, 11, 2))};
try {second = number (string.mid (nytimesformatdate, 13, 2))};
return (date.set (day, month, year, hour, minute, second))};
on addToHistory (adritem, categorylist={}) {
local (title = adritem^.title);
if sizeOf (title) > 0 {
local (adrinhistory = @adrcompilation^.itemHistory.[title]);
if not defined (adrinhistory^) { //it's a new story
if adrStoryArrivedCallback != nil {
adrStoryArrivedCallback^ (adrservice, adritem)}};
adrinhistory^ = true}}; //it's current
local (xstructcopy = adrservice^.xmlstruct, adrxstruct = @xstructcopy);
local (adrcompilation = @adrservice^.compilation);
local (adrnewyorktimes = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "NewYorkTimes"));
new (tabletype, @adrcompilation^.items);
local (sectionlist = xml.getAddressList (adrnewyorktimes, "Section"), ct = 1, i);
local (section = sectionlist [1]);
local (sectionname = xml.getAttributeValue (section, "name"));
bundle { //set channeltitle, channellink, channeldescription
adrcompilation^.channeltitle = "New York Times: " + sectionname;
adrcompilation^.channellink = "";
adrcompilation^.channeldescription = "Headlines, abstracts and links for the latest New York Times articles, for Radio UserLand."};
local (articlelist = xml.getAddressList (section, "article"), article);
for j = sizeof (articlelist) downto 1 {
local (article = articlelist [j]);
adritem = @adrcompilation^.items.[string.padwithzeros (ct++, 5)];
new (tabletype, adritem);
local (link = decode (xml.getValue (article, "url")));
local (title = decode (xml.getValue (article, "headline")));
local (byline = easy2readname (decode (xml.getValue (article, "byline"))));
local (description = decode (xml.getValue (article, "abstract")));
adritem^.title = "<a href=\"" + link + "\">" + title + "</a>. " + description;
if sizeof (byline) > 0 {
adritem^.title = adritem^.title + " " + byline + "."};
if flSaveData {
local (adrdata = @adritem^.data);
new (tabletype, adrdata);
adrdata^.link = link;
adrdata^.title = title;
adrdata^.description = description;
adrdata^.byline = byline;
adrdata^.timestamp = converttimestamp (decode (xml.getValue (article, "timestamp")))};
addToHistory (adritem)};
return (true)}
<<bundle //test code
<<local (url = "http://radiouser:Csm!]")
<<local (adrservice = xml.rss.initService (url,
<<new (tabletype, @adrservice^.compilation)
<<new (tabletype, @adrservice^.compilation.itemHistory)
<<adrservice^.xmltext = tcp.httpReadUrl (url)
<<xml.compile (adrservice^.xmltext, @adrservice^.xmlstruct)
<<compile (adrservice, true, @xml.aggregator.storyArrivedCallback)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.