Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.


on notify (url, adrTable) {
	<<Notify a client that a resource has changed.
		<<1/15/02; 5:14:56 PM by PBS
	xml.pubsub.initTable (adrTable);
	bundle { //don't do notification more often than once per 15 seconds
		local (adrmostrecent = @adrTable^.mostRecentNotify);
		local (adrurl = @adrmostrecent^.[url]);
		if defined (adrurl^) {
			if string.lower (url) endswith ".opml" {
				if ( () - adrurl^) < (15) { //one update per 15 seconds, not minutes.
			else {
				if ( () - adrurl^) < (60 * 15) {
		adrurl^ = ()};
	local (adrurl = @adrTable^.notify.[url]);
	if defined (adrurl^) {
		local (adrsub, params = {url});
		for adrsub in adrurl {
			local (flnotify = true);
			bundle { //set flnotify
				if defined (adrsub^.cterrors) {
					local (now = ());
					if not defined (adrsub^.whenLastError) {
						adrsub^.whenLastError = now};
					if (now - adrsub^.whenLastError) < (60 * 10) { //ten minutes
						flnotify = false}}};
			if flnotify {
				with adrsub^ {
					case protocol {
						"xml-rpc" {
							thread.callscript (@xml.pubsub.xmlRpcNotify, {adrsub, url})};
						"soap" {
							thread.easyCall ("xml.pubsub.soapNotify",  {path, procedure, params, nameof (adrsub^), port})}}}}}}}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.