Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.
on getNamespaceUriForElement (adrelement, adrdoc, default="") {
<<10/3/02; 10:31:14 PM by JES
<<Fixed a bug which could cause an erroneous scriptError for elements whose namespace declaration appears on the top-level XML element.
<<9/29/02; 6:39:05 PM by JES
<<Given the address of a compiled XML element, and the address of a compiled XML document, get the namespace URI for the element.
local (nsprefix = "", nsattname = "");
if typeOf (adrelement^) == tableType { //look for an nsUri on this element, or set the ns prefix
local (adratts = @adrelement^.["/atts"]);
if defined (adratts^) {
if defined (adratts^.namespace) { //get the namespace prefix if there is one
nsprefix = string.popTrailing (adratts^.namespace, ':');
nsattname = "xmlns:" + nsprefix}}};
loop { //pop out 'till we find the namespace declaration, or get to the top of the document
if typeOf (adrelement^) == tableType {
local (adratts = @adrelement^.["/atts"]);
if defined (adratts^) {
if nsprefix == "" { //look for a default namespace URI at this level
if defined (adratts^.xmlns) {
return (adratts^.xmlns)}};
if defined (adratts^.[nsattname]) { //namespace locally declared?
return (adratts^.[nsattname])}}};
adrelement = parentOf (adrelement^);
if adrelement == parentOf (adrdoc^) {
if nsprefix != "" { //this is an error -- the namespace hasn't been declared
scriptError ("Can't get the namespace URI for the specified element because there is no namespace declaration for the prefix, \"" + nsprefix + "\".")};
return (default)} //default namespace
<<bundle //test code
<<local (adrxstruct = @workspace.snRssXstruct)
<<local (adrrss = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "rss"))
<<local (adrchannel = xml.getAddress (adrrss, "channel"))
<<local (adrelement = xml.getAddress (adrchannel, "blogRoll"))
<<dialog.notify (getNamespaceUriForElement (adrelement, adrxstruct))
<<bundle //test code 2
<<local (adrxstruct = @workspace.simonTestXstruct)
<<local (adrrss = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "rss"))
<<local (adrchannel = xml.getAddress (adrrss, "channel"))
<<local (adritem = xml.getAddress (adrchannel, "item"))
<<local (adrelement = xml.getAddress (adritem, "description"))
<<dialog.notify (getNamespaceUriForElement (adrelement, adrxstruct))
<<bundle //test code 3
<<local (adrxstruct = @workspace.nsTestXml.xstruct1)
<<local (adrxstruct = @workspace.nsTestXml.xstruct2)
<<local (adrxstruct = @workspace.nsTestXml.xstruct3)
<<local (adrxstruct = @workspace.nsTestXml.xstruct4)
<<local (adra = xml.getAddress (adrxstruct, "a"))
<<local (adrb = xml.getAddress (adra, "b"))
<<local (adrc = xml.getAddress (adrb, "c"))
<<local (adrelement = xml.getAddress (adrc, "d"))
<<dialog.notify (getNamespaceUriForElement (adra, adrxstruct))
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.