Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:07 AM.
<<12/30/05; 7:45:29 AM by DW
<<Handle structured lists.
<<Don't die if a node doesn't have an xmlUrl attribute.
<<Should work with BlogLines's OPML list format (they have a 2-level structure).
<<12/28/05; 8:35:41 PM by DW
<<Return true if we did a scan, false otherwise. This allows the caller to put up a dialog saying that the scan is complete, and offer to display the new items.
<<2/2/02; 4:23:16 PM by JES
<<Pass a 0 to file.getFileDialog, for the type parameter instead of nil. Fixes a bug where files could not be opened on MacOS X.
<<11/25/01; 9:13:34 AM by DW
local (f);
if file.getfiledialog ("Choose a subscriptions file:", @f, 0) {
local (adrdata = xml.aggregator.init ());
local (xmltext = file.readwholefile (f), xstruct);
xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct);
local (adropml = xml.getAddress (@xstruct, "opml"));
local (adrbody = xml.getAddress (adropml, "body"));
local (ctimports = 0);
on dolevel (adroutline) {
local (adr);
for adr in adroutline {
if string.lower (nameof (adr^)) contains "outline" {
local (adratts = @adr^.["/atts"]);
if defined (adratts^) {
if defined (adratts^.xmlUrl) {
local (adrservice = @adrdata^.services.[adratts^.xmlUrl]);
msg (adratts^.xmlUrl);
if not defined (adrservice^) {
new (tabletype, adrservice);
dolevel (adr)}}}; //recurse
dolevel (adrbody);
if ctimports > 0 {
if dialog.yesno (ctimports + " services were imported, would you like to do a scan now?") {
window.about ();
xml.aggregator.readAllServices ();
return (true)}}
else {
dialog.alert ("All the services in the subscription file were already in your subscription list.")}};
return (false)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.