Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.

on sdoc (pathArgs, kfor="", user="", pass="", frmu="", addr="", svpt="",  svnm="", scnm="", meth="", refr="", Kcid="", Kact="", Kapt="", ctyp="", post="", Kcip="", Kfrq="", Agnt="", DIRE="") {
	<<Thu, Apr 2, 1998 at 6:35:52 PM by WMF
		<<I did this in 5 minutes
		<<Once it works we can throw away the commented parts
	local (paramtable, appID, appName, websiteFolderPath, serverPath);
	new (tableType, @paramtable);
	<<The binaryID should be used in send-partial commands
		<<in place of the appID or appName. The binaryID specifies
		<<the application that sent the CGI sdoc event
		<<specifically. This way you can have two copies of WebSTAR
		<<(for instance) running at the same time.
			<<webstar.sendpartial (myData, adrparams^.connectionID, true, adrparams^.binaryID)
		<<[Technically: the binaryID is always either a ProcessSerialNumber or a Target ID Record
			<<('psn ' or 'targ'), but you don't need to know that to use it.]
	<<local (binaryID = getEventSender ())
	<<Get info about the server app.
		<<Get the website folder path.
		<<if DIRE != ""  <<DIRE is the website folder parameter
			<<websiteFolderPath = DIRE
			<<websiteFolderPath = webserver.getPref ("websiteFolderPath")
		<<Get the server app path and name
		<<serverPath = webserver.getPref ("serverPath")
			<<appName = file.fileFromPath (serverPath)
		<<Get the server appID
			<<appID = file.creator (serverPath)
	<<bundle  <<Set up CGI params table
		<<paramtable.action = Kact
		<<paramtable.actionPath = Kapt
		<<paramtable.appID = appID
		<<paramtable.appName = appName
		<<paramtable.binaryID = binaryID
		<<paramtable.clientAddress = addr
		<<paramtable.clientIP = Kcip
		<<paramtable.connectionID = Kcid
		<<paramtable.contentType = ctyp
		<<paramtable.fromUser = frmu
		<<paramtable.fullRequest = Kfrq
		<<paramtable.httpSearchArgs = kfor
		<<paramtable.method = meth
		<<paramtable.password = pass
		<<paramtable.pathArgs = pathArgs
		<<paramtable.postargs = post
		<<paramtable.referer = refr
		<<paramtable.scriptName = scnm
		<<paramtable.serverName = svnm
		<<paramtable.serverPath = serverPath
		<<paramtable.serverPort = svpt
		<<paramtable.userAgent = Agnt
		<<paramtable.username = user
		<<paramtable.websiteFolder = websiteFolderPath
		<<Parse the post args, if they exist.
		<<if paramtable.postargs != ""
			<<new (tabletype, @paramtable.argtable)
			<<webserver.parseArgs (post, @paramtable.argtable)
		<<If debugging is on, make a copy of the paramtable.
		<<if webserver.getPref ("fldebug")
			<<scratchpad.cgiparams = paramtable
	bundle {
		new (tableType, @paramtable.requestHeaders);
		paramtable.client = addr;
		paramtable.firstLine = webserver.util.parseHeaders (Kfrq, @paramtable.requestHeaders);
		paramtable.method = meth;
		paramtable.path = scnm;
		paramtable.pathArgs = pathArgs;
		paramtable.password = pass;
		paramtable.ready = true; // no idea what this is for
		paramtable.refcon = 0; // this one either
		paramtable.request = Kfrq;
		paramtable.requestBody = post; // hope this works...
		paramtable.searchArgs = kfor; = -1; // so that they don't try to use tcp verbs
		paramtable.username = user};
	msg ("about to call dispatch");
	return (webserver.dispatch (@paramtable))}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.