Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.
on encode (procedureName, paramlist) {
<<8/27/02; 5:07:06 PM by JES
<<Base64-encode strings which are struct members, in addition to string-parameters.
<<5/6/02; 7:56:01 PM by DW
<<Created. Cribbed from betty.rpc.client.
local (xmltext = "");
on add (s) {
xmltext = xmltext + s};
add ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
add ("<methodCall>");
add ("<methodName>" + procedureName + "</methodName>");
local (item);
add ("<params>");
on addOneParam (item, tagname="param", name="", flAddName=false) {
case (typeOf (item)) {
tableType {
add ("<" + tagname + ">");
if flAddName {
add ("<name>" + name + "</name>")};
add ("<value><struct>");
local (adrsub);
for adrsub in @item {
addOneParam (adrsub^, "member", nameOf (adrsub^), true)};
add ("</struct></value></" + tagname + ">")};
stringType { // JB 5/24/02 - override string values to base64 encode them
if flAddName {
add("<" + tagname + "><name>" + name + "</name><value><string>" + base64.encode(item, infinity) + "</string></value></" + tagname + ">")}
else {
add("<" + tagname + "><value><string>" + base64.encode(item, infinity) + "</string></value></" + tagname + ">")}}}
else { // normal processing
if flAddName {
add ("<" + tagname + "><name>" + name + "</name><value>" + xml.coercions.frontierValueToTaggedText (@item, 0) + "</value></" + tagname + ">")}
else {
add ("<" + tagname + "><value>" + xml.coercions.frontierValueToTaggedText (@item, 0) + "</value></" + tagname + ">")}};
return (true)};
for item in paramlist {
addOneParam (item)};
add ("</params>");
add ("</methodCall>");
return (xmltext)}
<<bundle //test code
<<wp.newtextobject (encode ("test.noOp", {user.prefs.commonStyles}), @scratchpad.rpctext)
<<local (xstruct); xml.compile (string (scratchpad.rpctext), @xstruct); wp.newtextobject (xml.decompile (@xstruct), @scratchpad.rpctext)
<<edit (@scratchpad.rpctext)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.