Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.

on message ( dest, text = nil, htmlText = nil, subject = nil, type = "chat", thread = nil, connection = @system.temp.jabber.connection) {
		<<10/25/02; 2:27:50 PM by JES
			<<Entity-encode the text here instead of through a call to xml.entityEncode, per recommendation from Andre Radke.
			<<Radio and Frontier's implementation of xml.entityEncode are slightly different, but changing Frontier's xml.entityEncode verb would introduce too much possibility for breakage for the problem to be addressed at that level.
		<<5/14/02; 1:51:34 PM by JB
			<<Changelog created.
	on addAtt ( XMLadr, name, value ) {
		if not defined ( XMLadr^.["/atts"] ) {
			new ( tableType, @XMLadr^.["/atts"] )};
		XMLadr^.["/atts"].[name] = value};
	if not defined ( connection^ ) { // should I lock a semaphore after this?
		scriptError ( "Can't send the message because there is no active Jabber connection." )};
	local ( flHaveHtml = (htmlText != nil), result, mesTag, htmlTable);
	new ( tableType, @result );
	text = string ( text ); htmlText = string ( htmlText );
	bundle { // text = xml.entityEncode(text,true)
		text = xml.entityEncode (text, false);
		text = string.replaceall (text, "&", "&");
		text = string.replaceall (text, "<", "<");
		text = string.replaceall (text, ">", ">");
		text = string.replaceall (text, "\"", """);
		text = string.replaceall (text, "'", "'")};
	bundle { // handle the text/htmlText conditions as described in the docs
		if flHaveHtml and typeOf ( htmlText ) == stringType { // convert into an XML table
			new (tableType, @htmlTable);
			try {
				xml.compile ( htmlText, @htmlTable )}
			else {
				scriptError ( "Can't send message via Jabber because the given htmlText did not compile correctly. xml.compile said: " + tryError )}};
		if text == nil and not flHaveHtml { // prepare empty message
			text = ""};
		if text == nil and flHaveHtml { // convert HTML to Text with string.htmlToEmail
			text = string.htmlToEmail(htmlText)};
		if flHaveHtml { // make sure the HTML starts with <html>, or kick it out.
			if xml.convertToDisplayName ( nameOf ( htmlTable[1] ) ) != "html" {
				scriptError ( "Can't send HTML message over Jabber because the given htmlText is not a valid HTML document." )}}};
	bundle { // <message from="username@server/resource" to="dest" type="chat">
		mesTag = xml.addTable ( @result, "message" );
		addAtt ( mesTag, "from", connection^.username + "@" + connection^.host + "/" + connection^.resource );
		addAtt ( mesTag, "to", dest );
		addAtt ( mesTag, "type", type )};
	if subject != nil and subject != "" {
		xml.addValue(mesTag, "subject", subject )};
	xml.addValue(mesTag, "body", text );
	if flHaveHtml {
		table.copy(@htmlTable[1], mesTag)};
	if thread != nil and thread != "" {
		xml.addValue(mesTag, "thread", thread)}; ( @result, connection: connection )};
message("Jeremy@", "Hello!")

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.