Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.
on xmlrpcCall ( connection, mesAdr, iq, query ) {
<<5/14/02; 1:51:34 PM by JB
<<Changelog created.
<<xmlrpcCall handles an incoming RPC call
on addAtt ( XMLadr, name, value ) {
if not defined ( XMLadr^.["/atts"] ) {
new ( tableType, @XMLadr^.["/atts"] )};
XMLadr^.["/atts"].[name] = value};
on noDirectiveXmlDecompile ( xmlAdr ) {
// decompiles a table and strips off the <? ?>, if any
local ( s );
s = xml.decompile(xmlAdr);
return string.mid ( s, string.patternMatch ( "?>", s ) + 2, infinity )};
local ( id = xml.getAttributeValue(iq, "id" ) );
local ( reply, xmlrpcResult, idTbl = ( id ), iqTag, methodCall, xmlstr, resAdr, methodTag, queryTag);
// begin contructing the registration reply
new ( tableType, @reply );
bundle { // <iq id="id" type="result" to="from" from="me"><x>
iqTag = xml.addTable ( @reply, "iq" );
addAtt(iqTag, "id", id );
addAtt(iqTag, "type", "result");
addAtt(iqTag, "to", xml.getAttributeValue(iq, "from") );
addAtt(iqTag, "from", connection^.username + "@" + connection^.host + "/" + connection^.resource );
queryTag = xml.addTable ( iqTag, "query" )};
bundle { // handle the call
<<there's an inefficiency here; the xml text goes through two compile/decompile phases
<<I'd like to have a version of betty.rpc.server that takes a XML table directly, and also doesn't try an IP check (meaningless with Jabber), but I hesitate to spawn my own version, and get out of sync with betty.rpc.server.
methodTag = xml.getAddress(query, "methodCall" );
xmlstr = noDirectiveXmlDecompile(methodTag);
local ( params ); new ( tableType, @params );
xmlrpcResult = betty.rpc.server(xmlstr, @params );
if xmlrpcResult beginsWith "<?" { // this needs to be removed, xml.decompile seems to put it in
xmlrpcResult = string.mid ( xmlrpcResult, string.patternMatch ( "?>", xmlrpcResult ) + 2, infinity )}};
xml.compile(xmlrpcResult, queryTag);
// previous line blows away contents of the x tag, so we have to add this here, rather then when we create the query tag
addAtt(queryTag, "xmlns", "jabber:iq:rpc");, connection: connection)};
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.