Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.
on rpc (dest, procedureName = "", adrParamList = nil, flDebug = false, secondsToTimeOut = 60, flAsync = false, adrCallback = nil, extraInfo = nil, adrTimeoutCallback = nil, id = nil, adrErrorCallback = nil, connection = nil) {
<<5/14/02; 1:51:34 PM by JB
<<Changelog created.
<<This script implements the client end of Jabber RPC
on addAtt ( XMLadr, name, value ) {
if not defined ( XMLadr^.["/atts"] ) {
new ( tableType, @XMLadr^.["/atts"] )};
XMLadr^.["/atts"].[name] = value};
if connection == nil {
connection = @system.temp.jabber.connection};
if not defined ( connection^ ) {
scriptError ( "Can't make Jabber-RPC call because the Jabber connection doesn't exist." )};
local ( idName, result, iqTag, queryTag, methodCall, params, param, value ); new ( tableType, @result );
bundle { // step one... set up the idTable
if id == nil {
id =};
idName = nameOf ( id^ );
id^.expireTime = + secondsToTimeOut; // when we forget about this call
if adrCallback != nil { // remember the callback
id^.jabberXMLRPCCallback = adrCallback};
if adrTimeoutCallback != nil { // remember the cleanup script
id^.cleanupScript = adrTimeoutCallback};
if adrErrorCallback != nil {
id^.jabberXMLRPCErrorCallback = adrErrorCallback};
id^.jabberXMLRPCExtraInfo = extraInfo; // any extra info stored
id^.jabberXMLRPCflAsync = flAsync};
bundle { // set up the XML message
bundle { // <iq type="set" from="me" to="username@host/resource" id="id">
iqTag = xml.addTable ( @result, "iq" );
addAtt ( iqTag, "from", connection^.username + "@" + connection^.host + "/" + connection^.resource );
addAtt ( iqTag, "to", dest );
addAtt ( iqTag, "type", "set" );
addAtt ( iqTag, "id", nameOf ( id^ ) )};
bundle { // <query xmlns="jabber:iq:rpc">
queryTag = xml.addTable ( iqTag, "query" );
addAtt(queryTag, "xmlns", "jabber:iq:rpc")};
bundle { // <methodCall>...</methodCall>
methodCall = xml.addTable ( queryTag, "methodCall" );
xml.addValue ( methodCall, "methodName", procedureName );
if adrParamList != nil and sizeOf ( adrParamList^ ) > 0 {
params = xml.addTable ( methodCall, "params" );
for item in adrParamList^ {
param = xml.addTable ( params, "param" );
value = xml.addTable ( param, "value" );
xml.compile(xml.coercions.frontierValueToTaggedText(@item, 0), value)}}
else {
xml.addValue ( methodCall, "params", "" )}}};
if flAsync { // if this is asynchronous, send the call and return true, connection: connection);
return true};, connection: connection);
try {, secondsToTimeOut)}
else {
scriptError ( "Can't complete RPC call because the call timed out." )};
if defined ( id^.JabberXMLRPCResult ) {
return id^.JabberXMLRPCResult}
else {
scriptError ( "The server returned error code " + id^.JabberXMLRPCFaultCode + ": " + id^.JabberXMLRPCFaultString )}};
bundle { //test code
local (params = {22});
dialog.alert(rpc("","examples.getStateName", @params))}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.