Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.

on pubsubUnsubscribe (dest = "", unsubscribeFrom = nil, nsList = {}, id = nil, connection = @system.temp.jabber.connection) {
		<<5/14/02; 1:51:34 PM by JB
			<<Changelog created.
	<<Sends a pub-sub unsubscription request. See
	on addAtt ( XMLadr, name, value ) {
		if not defined ( XMLadr^.["/atts"] ) {
			new ( tableType, @XMLadr^.["/atts"] )};
		XMLadr^.["/atts"].[name] = value};
	if not defined ( connection^ ) { // should I lock a semaphore after this?
		scriptError ( "Can't send message over Jabber connection because the connection is not established." )};
	if id == nil {
		id =};
	local ( result, iq, query, subscribe);
	new (tableType, @result);
	iq = xml.addTable ( @result, "iq" );
	bundle { // <iq type='set' to="dest" id="id"' from="user">
		addAtt(iq, "type", "set");
		addAtt(iq, "to", dest);
		addAtt(iq, "id", nameOf ( id^ ) );
		addAtt(iq, "from", connection^.username + "@" + connection^.host + "/" + connection^.resource)};
	bundle { // <query xmlns=radio:iq:pubsub'>
		query = xml.addTable(iq, "query");
		addAtt(query, "xmlns", "radio:iq:pubsub")};
	bundle { // <unsubscribe to="whatever">
		// avoid empty-table XML bug
		if unsubscribeFrom == nil and nsList == {} {
			xml.addValue(query, "unsubscribe", "")}
		else {
			subscribe = xml.addTable ( query, "unsubscribe" );
			if unsubscribeFrom != nil {
				addAtt(subscribe, "to", unsubscribeFrom)};
			for namespace in nsList {
				xml.addValue(subscribe, "ns", namespace)}}}; (iq, connection: connection )};
pubsubUnsubscribe( "", unsubscribeFrom: "Helen", nsList: {"hairline", "shoesize"})

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.