Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.


on newSuite (adrSuite) {
	<<Creates a new suite of scripts in Frontier's database
		<<and then creates a sub-table in the suites table
		<<it creates:
			<<a starter menu
			<<an installMenu script
			<<an empty readMe text window
		<<thanks to:
			<<Peter Dako, for writing the 1st version of this script
	<<8/31/99; 12:19:36 PM by DW
		<<Call system.menus.buildSuitesSubmenu when we're finished to update the Suites sub-menu of the Main menu.
	local (suiteName = nameOf (adrSuite^));
	local (prettySuiteName = string.upper (suiteName [1]) + string.mid (suiteName, 2, sizeof (suiteName)));
	new (tableType, adrSuite);
	adrSuite^.suiteName = prettySuiteName;
	bundle { //build the menubar
		local (adrMenubar = @adrSuite^.menu);
		new (menubarType, adrMenubar);
		target.set (adrMenubar);
		op.setLineText (prettySuiteName);
		on addCommand (name, script) {
			menu.addMenuCommand (adrMenubar, prettySuiteName, name, script)};
		addCommand ("Read Me", "edit (@" + suiteName + ".readMe)");
		addCommand ("-", "");
		addCommand ("Edit Menu", "edit (@" + suiteName + ".menu)");
		addCommand ("Edit Table", "edit (@" + suiteName + ")");
		bundle { <<work around an apparent bug in the Windows version, 11/3/97 DW
			op.firstSummit ();
			if op.getLineText () == "" {
				op.deleteLine ()}};
		target.clear ()};
	bundle { //build the readme
		local (adrReadMe = @adrSuite^.readMe);
		new (wptextType, adrReadMe);
		target.set (adrReadMe);
		wp.insert ("This is the " + suiteName + " suite." + cr + cr);
		with user.prefs {
			wp.insert ("Created by " + name + " of " + organization + " on " + string.dateString () + " at " + string.timeString () + "." + cr + cr)};
		wp.insert ("[Why I Wrote It]" + cr + cr);
		wp.insert ("[What It Does]" + cr + cr);
		wp.insert ("[Things To Watch Out For]" + cr + cr);
		window.zoom (adrReadMe);
		target.clear ()};
	<<bundle //build the installMenu script
		<<local (adrInstallMenuScript = @adrSuite^.installMenu)
		<<new (scriptType, adrInstallMenuScript)
		<<target.set (adrInstallMenuScript)
		<<op.setLineText ("return (menu.install (@" + suiteName + ".menu))")
		<<target.clear ()
	bundle { //build the init script
		local (adrInitScript = @adrSuite^.init);
		new (scriptType, adrInitScript);
		target.set (adrInitScript);
		op.setLineText ("if not defined (user." + suitename + ")");
		op.insert ("new (tableType, @user." + suitename + ")", right);
		target.clear ()};
	<<menu.importSuite (adrSuite, prettySuiteName) //add a command to the Suites menu
	<<menu.addSuite (adrSuite) <<it appears in the menubar now
	system.menus.buildSuitesSubmenu (); //add DG to Suites sub-menu of the Main menu
	return (true)}
<<bundle //test code
	<<newSuite (@suites.blagooey)
	<<edit (@suites.blagooey)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.