Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:06 AM.


on compareContents (adr1, adr2, flDateSensitive=false, flCompareOutlinesAsOpml=false, flCompareMenubarScripts=false) {
		<<12/2/02; 3:50:07 PM by JES
			<<Add menubar and menubar script comparison.
		<<11/29/02; 3:11:42 PM by JES
			<<Created. Compare the contents of two tables. Return true if the contents are identical or false if not.
				<<If flDateSensitive is true, then the creation and modification dates of non-scalars will be compared, including the create/modification date of the tables themselves.
				<<If flCompareOutlinesAsOpml is true, then outline objects will be converted to OPML for comparison so that node attributes will be compared as well as heading text.
	on visit (adr1, adr2) {
		if flDateSensitive {
			if timeModified (adr1) != timeModified (adr2) {
				return (false)};
			if timeCreated (adr1) != timeCreated (adr2) {
				return (false)}};
		if sizeOf (adr1^) != sizeOf (adr2^) {
			return (false)};
		local (adr);
		for adr in adr1 {
			local (name = nameOf (adr^));
			local (adrdest = @adr2^.[name]);
			if not defined (adrdest^) {
				return (false)};
			if typeOf (adr^) != typeOf (adrdest^) {
				return (false)};
			if flDateSensitive {
				case typeOf (adr^) { //check create/mod dates on window objects
					scripttype {
						if timeModified (adr1) != timeModified (adr2) {
							return (false)};
						if timeCreated (adr1) != timeCreated (adr2) {
							return (false)}}}};
			case typeOf (adr^) {
				tableType { //recurse
					if not visit (adr, adrdest) {
						return (false)}};
				addresstype; //convert to strings to aviod errors for undefined addresses
				wptexttype {
					if string (adr^) != string (adrdest^) {
						return (false)}};
				outlinetype {
					local (o1, o2);
					if flCompareOutlinesAsOpml {
						o1 = op.outlineToXml (adr);
						o2 = op.outlineToXml (adrdest);
						o1 = string.delete (o1, 1, string.patternMatch ("<body>", o1) - 1);
						o2 = string.delete (o2, 1, string.patternMatch ("<body>", o2) - 1)}
					else { //compare as strings
						o1 = string (adr^);
						o2 = string (adrdest^)};
					if o1 != o2 {
						reutrn (false)}};
				binarytype {
					if string (adr^) != string (adrdest^) {
						return (false)};
					if getBinaryType (adr) != getBinaryType (adrdest) {
						return (false)}};
				menubartype {
					if string (adr^) != string (adrdest^) {
						return (false)};
					if flCompareMenubarScripts {
						local (m1 = adr^, m2 = adrdest^);
						local (oldtarget = target.set (@m1));
						bundle { //expand the menus
							op.firstSummit ();
							op.fullExpand ();
							target.set (@m2);
							op.firstSummit ();
							op.fullExpand ()};
						on visit () {
							loop {
								target.set (@m1);
								if op.countSubs (1) { //sub-menu
									op.go (right, 1);
									target.set (@m2);
									op.go (right, 1);
									if not visit () {
										return (false)};
									op.go (left, 1)}
								else { //menu command
									local (s1, s2, k1, k2);
									menu.getScript (@s1);
									k1 = menu.getCommandKey ();
									target.set (@m2);
									menu.getScript (@s2);
									k2 = menu.getCommandKey ();
									if string (s1) != string (s2) {
										return (false)};
									if k1 != k2 {
										return (false)}};
								if not op.go (down, 1) {
									return (true)};
								target.set (@m1);
								op.go (down, 1)}};
						if not visit () {
							try {target.set (oldtarget)};
							return (false)};
						try {target.set (oldtarget)}}}}
			else { //all other scalars and lists
				if adr^ != adrdest^ {
					return (false)}}};
		return (true)};
	return (visit (adr1, adr2))}
<<bundle //test code
	<<table.compareContents (@scratchpad, @scratchpad)
	<<table.compareContents (@scratchpad, @workspace)
	<<table.compareContents (@user.bookmarksMenu, @user.bookmarksMenu, flCompareMenubarScripts:true)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.