Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on htmlToEmail (htmltext) {
<<10/4/01; 9:46:54 AM by DW
<<When looking for the closing anchor, </a>, do a unicase search.
<<9/6/01; 1:19:42 PM by DW
<<If a link begins with a #, don't add it to the linkarray, and don't add a [number] next to it, just strip it out. Relative links internal to a document can't be represented in plain text email, which is what we produce. This change was precipitated by the Mail-This-Story feature in Manila.
<<9/2/01; 9:23:21 AM by DW
<<This verb takes HTML-formatted text and converts it to a format that's easy to read in email.
local (linkarray = {});
bundle { //extract links
local (pat = "<a href=\"");
local (s = htmltext);
htmltext = "";
loop {
local (ix = string.patternMatch (pat, string.lower (s)));
if ix < 1 {
htmltext = htmltext + s;
htmltext = htmltext + string.mid (s, 1, ix - 1);
s = string.delete (s, 1, ix - 1);
ix = string.patternMatch (">", s);
local (link = string.mid (s, 1, ix - 1) + "/>");
s = string.delete (s, 1, ix);
local (t);
new (tableType, @t);
try {
xml.compile (link, @t);
local (url = t [1].["/atts"].href, fladdnumber = true);
if url beginswith "#" { //9/6/01; 1:21:29 PM by DW
fladdnumber = false}
else {
linkarray = linkarray + {url}};
ix = string.patternMatch ("</a>", string.lower (s)); //10/4/01 by DW, add string.lower
if fladdnumber {
htmltext = htmltext + string.mid (s, 1, ix - 1) + " [" + sizeof (linkarray) + "]"}
else {
htmltext = htmltext + string.mid (s, 1, ix - 1)}};
s = string.delete (s, 1, ix + 3)}};
bundle { //add link text at end
if sizeof (linkarray) > 0 {
local (s = "\r\n\r\n", link, ix = 1);
for link in linkarray {
s = s + "[" + ix++ + "] " + link + "\r\n"};
htmltext = htmltext + s}};
<<bundle //add ad text at end
<<local (adtext = manilaSuite.callbacks.getEmailNotificationAdText ())
<<if sizeof (adtext) > 0
<<htmltext = htmltext + "\r\n\r\n" + adtext
bundle { //convert HTML elements to email text
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "<i>", "/", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "</i>", "/", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "<b>", "*", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "</b>", "*", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "<p>", "\r\n\r\n", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "</p>", "", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "<br>", "\r\n", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "<li>", "* ", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "</li>", "", false);
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, " ", " ", false)};
bundle { //strip all remaining markup
local (ixopen, ixclose);
loop {
ixopen = string.patternmatch ("<", htmltext);
if ixopen == 0 {
ixclose = string.patternmatch (">", htmltext);
if ixopen > ixclose {
htmltext = string.delete (htmltext, ixclose, 1);
if ixclose == 0 {
htmltext = string.delete (htmltext, ixopen, ixclose - ixopen + 1)}};
bundle { //do whitespace stuff
while htmltext contains "\t" {
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "\t", " ")};
while htmltext contains " " {
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, " ", " ")};
while htmltext contains " \r" {
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, " \r", "\r")};
while htmltext contains "\r " {
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "\r ", "")};
while htmltext contains "\r\r" {
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "\r\r", "\r\n\r\n")};
while htmltext contains "\n\n" {
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "\n\n", "\n")};
while htmltext contains "\r\n\r\n\r\n" { //never more than double-space
htmltext = string.replaceAll (htmltext, "\r\n\r\n\r\n", "\r\n\r\n")};
htmltext = string.trimWhitespace (htmltext)};
return (htmltext)}
<<bundle //test code
<<local (s = "This is a test message. Here is some <i>italic text</i>. Here is some <b>boldface text</b>. <p>Now I would like to <a href=\"\">link</a> to a story that I find interesting.<p>Oh and here's a <a href=\"\">sound file</a> that might entertain you.\r\n \r \n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n", t)
<<s = worldoutlineManilaWebsite.["#discussionGroup"].messages.["0000016"].body
<<window.about () //so you can see messages
<<tcp.sendmail (user.prefs.mailaddress, "Test message", string.htmlToEmail (s))
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.