Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on simpleType (adrmsg, val, adrparent, name, fladdtype=true, flEntityEncodeHighAscii=false) {
<<03/27/01; 5:44:21 PM by JES
<<Serialize doubles as type "xsd:float", instead of "xsd:double", since float means 32-bit floating point number, and double means 64-bit floating point number. In Frontier, a doubleType is 32-bits.
<<04/01/01; 3:30:28 AM by JES
<<Encode booleans as 1/0, instead of true/false.
<<04/03/01; 7:40:52 PM by JES
<<New optional parameter, flEntityEncodeHighAscii, specifies whether to entity-encode high-ascii characters when encoding strings. Default is false.
<<04/11/01; 3:25:28 PM by JES
<<Encode floats by calling soap.encode.float.
<<04/27/01; 6:57:55 PM by JES
<<Specify SOAP-ENC:base64 for base64-encoded binary types.
local (type);
case typeof (val) {
binaryType {
if getBinaryType (val) == unknownType and val == nil {
return (true)};
case val { //special IEEE floating point values, INF, -INF and NaN
soap.constants.floatNaN {
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":float";
val = soap.encode.float (val)}}
else {
type = soap.constants.nsEncodingPrefix + ":base64";
val = base64.encode (val, 0)}};
booleanType {
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":boolean";
val = number (val)}; //04/01/2001 JES: 0 or 1
charType {
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":byte"};
dateType {
local (s, day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
date.get (val, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
s = string (year) + "-";
s = s + string.padWithZeros (month, 2) + "-";
s = s + string.padWithZeros (day, 2) + "T";
s = s + string.padWithZeros (hour, 2) + ":";
s = s + string.padWithZeros (minute, 2) + ":";
s = s + string.padWithZeros (second, 2);
local (tzsign, tzoffset = date.getCurrentTimeZone () / 60);
if tzoffset < 0 {
tzoffset = -1 * tzoffset;
tzsign = "-"}
else {
tzsign = "+"};
local (tzhours = tzoffset / 60);
local (tzminutes = tzoffset % 60);
val = s + tzsign + string.padWithZeros (tzhours, 2) + ":" + string.padWithZeros (tzminutes, 2);
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":timeInstant"};
doubleType {
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":float";
val = soap.encode.float (val)};
intType {
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":int"};
shortType {
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":short"};
stringType {
type = soap.constants.nsSchemaDataPrefix + ":" + "string";
if flEntityEncodeHighAscii {
val = soap.xmlutils.encodeWithAmpersands (val);
val = xml.entityEncode (val)}
else {
val = soap.xmlutils.encodeWithAmpersands (val)}};
unknownType { //encode as nil value
local (adrelement = soap.xmlutils.addElement (adrparent, name));
soap.xmlutils.addAttributeValue (adrelement, "xsi:null", "1");
return (true)}}
else {
scripterror ("Can't encode \"" + name + "\" because the encoding of type '" + string.typeToString (typeof (val)) + "' is not supported.")};
local (adrelement = soap.xmlutils.addElement (adrparent, name));
if fladdtype {
soap.xmlutils.addAttributeValue (adrelement, soap.constants.nsSchemaPrefix + ":type", type)};
soap.xmlutils.setCharacterData (adrelement, string (val));
return (true)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.