Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.


on doSearch (sites, urlThisPage, adrCaller, args = "", adrPrefs=@user.searchEngine.prefs) {
	<<Run the search. From a .wsf page, call searchEngine.searchMacro instead of this script.
		<<If you're running from inside an .fcgi, you can call this script directly.
			<<The sites parameter is a list of site names.
			<<urlThisPage is the URL of the calling page.
			<<adrCaller is the Frontier address of the calling page or CGI script.
			<<args is the arg string.
			<<The optional adrPrefs parameter lets you use multiple prefs tables for different searches.
				<<You can duplicate and modify the table at user.searchEngine.prefs.
				<<To create a new prefs table, call searchEngine.init with the address of a new prefs table.
		<<This script returns HTML text.
	local (searchString, searchType);
	local (filteredSearchString);
	local (numHits = 0, ctKeys);
	local (htmlText);
	local (searchTable, end);
	local (argTable, totalHits);
	local (origSearchString);
	local (adrStrings = @adrPrefs^.strings);
	local (adrDefaults = @adrPrefs^.defaults);
	local (adrStopWords = @adrPrefs^.stopWords);
	local (previewsList = {});
	local (indexesList = {});
	local (maxHitsPerPage = adrDefaults^.hitsPerPage, hitsThisPage, start = 1);
	urlThisPage = string.nthField (urlThisPage, '/', string.countFields (urlThisPage, '/'));
	new (tableType, @argTable);
	new (tableType, @searchTable);
	loop {
		if typeOf (adrStopWords) != addressType {
		adrStopWords = adrStopWords^};
	if typeOf (sites) != listType {
		scriptError ("Can't run a search because the sites parameter is not a list.")};
	on add (s) {
		htmlText = htmlText + s};
	on getPreview (adrItem) {
		local (prefix = "\r<p>\r" + (start + numHits) + ") ");
		local (i);
		for i = 1 to sizeOf (previewsList) {
			try {
				return (prefix + previewsList [i]^.[adrItem])}};
		return (prefix + adrItem)};
	on find (keywords) {
		local (x, flAND = (searchType == "and"));
		local (countKeys = string.countFields (keywords, ' '));
		local (ctIgnored = 0);
		local (resultsTables = {});
		local (oldTarget);
		local (adrSearchString);
		for x = 1 to countKeys { //loop through keywords, finding matches
			local (i);
			local (searchString = string.nthField (keywords, ' ', x));
			searchString = string.popTrailing (searchString, 's');
			searchString = string.dropNonAlphas (searchString);
			if not (searchEngine.checkStopWords (searchString, adrStopWords)) {
			for i = 1 to sizeOf (indexesList) { //loop through indexes, looking for matches
				local (adrIndex = indexesList [i]);
				local (firstLetter = string.mid (searchString, 1, 1));
				local (adrLetter = @adrIndex^.[firstLetter]);
				if defined (adrLetter^) {
					local (adrResults = @adrLetter^.[searchString]);
					if defined (adrResults^) {
						resultsTables = resultsTables + adrResults}}}};
		if resultsTables == {} { //was nothing found?
			return (adrStrings^.nothingFound)};
		searchEngine.mergeResults (resultsTables, @searchTable); //combine the search results into one table
		bundle { //sort results by relevancy
			oldTarget = target.set (@searchTable);
			target.set (@searchTable);
			table.sortBy ("Value")};
		local (results);
		local (min = ((countKeys - ctIgnored) - 1)  * 4000);
		local (adrTable = @searchTable);
		totalHits = sizeOf (adrTable^);
		if flAnd { //don't count OR matches
			for i = totalHits downTo 1 {
				local (value = adrTable^ [i], name = nameOf (adrTable^ [i]));
				if value < min {
					totalHits = (totalHits - i);
		local (top = (sizeOf (adrTable^) + 1) - start);
		local (bottom = (top + 1) - maxHitsPerPage);
		end = (start + maxHitsPerPage) - 1;
		if end > totalHits {
			end = totalHits};
		if bottom < 1 {
			bottom = 1};
		for i = top downTo bottom {
			local (value = adrTable^ [i], name = nameOf (adrTable^ [i]));
			if flAND {
				if value < min {
			if numHits == 0 {
				add ("<<replacenumhits>>")};
			results = results + getPreview (name);
		target.set (oldTarget);
		add (results);
		bundle { //log search
			if adrPrefs^.logSearches {
				local (adrSearches = @adrPrefs^.searches);
				if not defined (adrSearches^) {
					new (tableType, adrSearches)};
				local (adrPageSearches = @adrSearches^.[adrCaller]);
				if not defined (adrPageSearches^) {
					new (tableType, adrPageSearches)};
				local (adrDaySearches = @adrPageSearches^.[date.shortString ( ())]);
				if not defined (adrDaySearches^) {
					new (tableType, adrDaySearches)};
				adrSearchString = @adrDaySearches^.[string.urlDecode (origSearchString)];
				if not defined (adrSearchString^) {
					new (tableType, adrSearchString);
					adrSearchString^.ct = 0};
				if typeOf (adrSearchString^) != tableType {
					local (ct = adrSearchString^);
					delete (adrSearchString);
					new (tableType, adrSearchString);
					adrSearchString^.ct = ct};
				adrSearchString^.[searchType] = totalHits}}};
	bundle { //get the search args
		if args != "" { //is this a search query?
			webserver.parseArgs (args, @argTable);
			try { //search string
				searchString = string.urlDecode (argTable.q);
				origSearchString = argTable.q;
				origSearchString = string.replaceAll (origSearchString, " ", "+")}
			else {
				searchString = ""};
			try { //search type
				searchType = string.urlDecode (argTable.t);
				searchType = string.lower (searchType)}
			else {
				searchType = string.lower (adrDefaults^.searchType)};
			if searchType != "or" and searchType != "and" { //it must be "or" or "and"
				searchType = "and"};
			try { //max hits per page
				maxHitsPerPage = string.urlDecode (argTable.m);
				maxHitsPerPage = number (maxHitsPerPage)}
			else {
				maxHitsPerPage = adrDefaults^.hitsPerPage;
				if typeOf (maxHitsPerPage) != numberType { //this must be a number
					try {
						maxHitsPerPage = number (maxHitsPerPage)}
					else {
						maxHitsPerPage = 10}}}; //fallback position
			try { //start
				start = string.urlDecode (argTable.s);
				start = number (start)}
			else {
				start = 1}}};
	bundle { //add the form
		if searchString == "" or adrPrefs^.formOnResultsPage { //do we place the form on this page?
			local (adrForm = @adrPrefs^.form);
			if defined (adrForm^) { //over-ride the default form with sysop's form
				loop {
					if typeOf (adrForm^) == addressType { //the form can be an address
						adrForm = adrForm^}
					else {
				if typeOf (adrForm^) == scriptType {
					add (adrForm^ (argTable, sites, urlThisPage, adrCaller, adrPrefs))}
				else {
					add (string (adrForm^))}}
			else { //build the default form
				on addOption (value, visibleValue, matchValue) {
					add ("<option value=\"" + value + "\"");
					if matchValue == value {
						add (" selected")};
					add (">" + visibleValue + "\r")};
				add ("<form method=\"GET\" action=\"" + urlThisPage + "\">\r");
				if adrPrefs^.booleanPopup {
					add ("<br> <br>Find  ");
					add ("<select name=\"t\">\r");
					addOption ("and", "all the words", searchType);
					addOption ("or", "any of the words", searchType);
					add ("</select>\r");
					add ("  in<p>\r")}
				else {
					add ("<br> <br>Find ");
					if string.lower (searchType) == "and" {
						add ("all the words in:<p>\r");
						add ("<input name=\"t\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"and\">")}
					else {
						add ("any of the words in:<p>\r");
						add ("<input name=\"t\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"or\">")}};
				add ("<input name=\"q\" size=30");
				if searchString != "" {
					add (" value=\"" + string.replaceAll (searchString, "\"", """) + "\"")};
				add ("><p>\r");
				if adrPrefs^.matchesPopup { //add the matches per page popup?
					add ("Matches per page: ");
					add ("<select name=\"m\">\r");
					addOption (10, "10", maxHitsPerPage);
					addOption (25, "25", maxHitsPerPage);
					addOption (50, "50", maxHitsPerPage);
					addOption (100, "100", maxHitsPerPage);
					add ("</select>\r");
					add ("<p>\r")}
				else {
					add ("<input name=\"m\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + maxHitsPerPage + "\">")};
				add ("<input name=\"s\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"1\">\r"); //starting hit
				add ("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\">\r</form>\r<p>\r");
				add (string (adrStrings^.searchTips))};
			if searchString == "" { //we're not doing a search, just return the form.
				return (htmlText)};
			add ("<p><hr noshade size=1><p>")}}; //add a separator between the form and the results
	bundle { //build list of indexes and previews addresses
		local (i);
		for i = 1 to sizeOf (sites) {
			indexesList [i] = searchEngine.getIndexAddress (sites [i]);
			<<Get the address of the previews table.
				<<For the sake of speed, don't call searchEngine.getPreviewsAddress.
			local (adr = indexesList [i]);
			adr = parentOf (adr^);
			adr = @adr^.previews;
			previewsList [i] = adr}};
	bundle { //add "Searching for" text
		local (searchingFor = adrStrings^.searchingFor);
		searchingFor = searchEngine.replaceAll (searchingFor, "<<searchString>>", searchString, true);
		add (searchingFor + "<p>\r")};
	bundle { //filter the search string: remove markup, punctuation, etc.
		filteredSearchString = searchEngine.cleanText (searchString);
		local(theOS = sys.os());
		if theOS == "MacOS" || theOS == "MacCn" {
			filteredSearchString = latinToMac.convert (filteredSearchString)}}; //convert Latin to Mac characters
	find (filteredSearchString); //do the find
	bundle { //report number of matches; add links to more screens
		if totalHits < 1 {
			add ("<p>" + adrStrings^.nothingFound)}
		else {
			if totalHits == 1 {
				htmlText = searchEngine.replaceAll (htmlText, "<<replacenumhits>>", adrStrings^.oneMatchFound + "<p>\r", true)}
			else {
				local (replacer = adrStrings^.matchesFound + "<p>\r");
				replacer = searchEngine.replaceAll (replacer, "<<start>>", start, true);
				replacer = searchEngine.replaceAll (replacer, "<<end>>", end, true);
				replacer = searchEngine.replaceAll (replacer, "<<totalHits>>", totalHits, true);
				htmlText = searchEngine.replaceAll (htmlText, "<<replaceNumHits>>", replacer, true);
				on doMoreLinks () {
					local (totalScreens = ((totalHits - 1) / maxHitsPerPage) + 1);
					totalScreens = number (totalScreens);
					if totalScreens == 1 {
						return (false)};
					<<if mod (totalHits, maxHitsPerPage) == 0
						<<totalScreens = totalScreens - 1
					local (thisScreen = number (start / maxHitsPerPage));
					local (i);
					add ("<p>\r" + adrStrings^.moreMatches + "<p>\r");
					for i = 0 to totalScreens - 1 {
						if i == thisScreen {
							add (i + 1)}
						else {
							local (url = urlThisPage + "?");
							url = url + "t=" + argTable.t;
							url = url + "&q=" + string.urlEncode (origSearchString);
							url = url + "&m=" + argTable.m;
							url = url + "&s=" + ((i * maxHitsPerPage) + 1);
							add (html.getLink (i + 1, url))};
						if i != totalScreens - 1 {
							add (" - ")}}};
				doMoreLinks ()}}};
	return (htmlText)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.