Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.

on dialog () {
		<<Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 3:06:39 PM by PBS
			<<The Mac OS version uses a slightly tweaked dialog with a different id.
	params =;
	lastitemhit = 0;
	on itemhit (item) {
		on copyfromdialog () {
			params^.searchfor = dialog.getvalue (6);
			params^.replacewith = dialog.getvalue (8);
			params^.wholewords = dialog.getvalue (9);
			params^.casesensitive = not dialog.getvalue (10);
			params^.wraparound = dialog.getvalue (11);
			<<following assignments restrict functionality for Frontier 2.0
			params^.flatsearch = false; <<context is limited to frontmost window's content
			params^.closewindows = true}; <<always close windows as search progresses
		on checkboxhit (val) {
			val^ = not val^;
			dialog.setvalue (item, val^)};
		lastitemhit = item; <<in case we exit
		case item {
			-1 { <<initialize values
				dialog.setvalue (6, params^.searchfor);
				dialog.setvalue (8, params^.replacewith);
				dialog.setvalue (9, params^.wholewords);
				dialog.setvalue (10, not params^.casesensitive);
				dialog.setvalue (11, params^.wraparound);
				search.reset ()};
			-2 { <<window closed -- accept the settings
				copyfromdialog ();
				return (false)};
			1 { <<user clicked on the Find button
				copyfromdialog ();
				if not search.findnext () {
					speaker.beep ()}};
			2 { <<user clicked on the Cancel button
				return (false)};
			3 { <<user clicked on Replace All
				copyfromdialog ();
				numreplaced = search.replaceall ();
				if numreplaced == 0 {
					speaker.beep ()}
				else {
					dialog.notify (numreplaced + " replacements made.")}};
			4 { <<user clicked on Replace button
				copyfromdialog ();
				search.replace ();
				if not search.findNext () {
					speaker.beep ()}};
			9 { <<user clicked on Whole Words checkbox
				checkboxhit (@params^.wholewords)};
			10 { <<user clicked on Ignore Case checkbox
				params^.casesensitive = not params^.casesensitive;
				dialog.setvalue (item, not params^.casesensitive)};
			11 { <<user clicked on Wrap Around checkbox
				checkboxhit (@params^.wraparound)}};
		return (true)}; <<keep dialog around
	local (idDialog = 512);
	if system.environment.isCarbon { //PBS 04/26/01: slight changes for Aqua
		idDialog = 518};
	if not dialog.runmodeless (idDialog, 1, @itemhit) { <<the Find button is highlighted
		return (false)};
	return (lastitemhit != 2)} <<item 2 is the Cancel button

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.