Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
<<8/18/08; 11:09:57 AM by DW
<<Status message displays only if user.scheduler2.prefs.flMessages is true.
<<6/11/08; 8:50:33 AM by DW
<<Status message now displays last URL accessed.
<<5/29/08; 1:00:20 PM by DW
<<Call inetd.isDaemonRunning in a try, it can error (Invalid stream) as we're starting up.
<<5/25/08; 12:11:27 PM by DW
loop {
local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second, now = ());
scheduler2.init ();
<<user.scheduler2.stats.whenLastLoop = ()
date.get (now, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
if second == 0 {
local (adrscript);
for adrscript in @user.scheduler2.everyMinute {
thread.callscript (@scheduler2.subtaskRunner, {adrscript, "everyMinute"})};
if minute == user.scheduler2.prefs.minuteToRunHourlyTasks {
local (adrscript);
for adrscript in @user.scheduler2.hourly {
thread.callscript (@scheduler2.subtaskRunner, {adrscript, "hourly"})}};
if hour == user.scheduler2.prefs.hourToRunOvernightTasks {
if minute == 0 {
for adrscript in @user.scheduler2.overnight {
thread.callscript (@scheduler2.subtaskRunner, {adrscript, "overnight"})};
local (adrscript)}}};
bundle { //status message
local (s = "scheduler2: " + date.timestring (now, true) + "; ");
bundle { //add threads
local (ctthreads = Frontier.countThreads ());
if ctthreads == 1 {
s = s + "1 thread"}
else {
s = s + ctthreads + " threads"}};
bundle { //add hits if web server is turned on
try {
if inetd.isDaemonRunning (@user.inetd.config.http) { //web server is turned on
s = s +"; " + user.webserver.stats.hits + " hits";
if defined (user.scheduler2.stats.webserver.lastUrl) { //6/11/08 by DW
s = s + "; " + user.scheduler2.stats.webserver.lastUrl}}}};
if user.scheduler2.prefs.flMessages { //8/18/08 by DW
msg (s + ".")}};
thread.sleepfor (1)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.