Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.


on subtaskRunner (adrscript, nameLogSubtable) {
		<<3/6/09; 11:01:51 AM by DW
			<<If the script doesn't exist, handle the error gracefully.
		<<12/5/08; 9:43:29 AM by DW
			<<If the last instance of the scheduled task is still running, return.
		<<5/25/08; 12:09:50 PM by DW
			<<Created. A shell that runs one of the subtasks in a special thread, so we can keep rudimentary logging info to find problems.
	local (adrlog = @user.scheduler2.stats.log.[nameLogSubtable], adrid);
	if not defined (adrlog^) {
		new (tabletype, adrlog)};
	adrlog = @adrlog^.[nameof (adrscript^)];
	if not defined (adrlog^) {
		new (tabletype, adrlog)};
	if not defined (adrlog^.ctDuplicates) { //number of times we've quit because another instance was already running
		adrlog^.ctDuplicates = 0};
	bundle { //if the last instance is still running, return -- 12/5/08 by DW
		adrid = @system.temp.scheduler2.threadIDs.[nameLogSubtable + "." + nameof (adrscript^)];
		if defined (adrid^) {
			if thread.exists (adrid^) {
				adrlog^.whenLastDuplicate = ();
		adrid^ = thread.getCurrentID ()}; //fall through
	if not defined (adrlog^.ct) {
		adrlog^.ct = 0};
	if not defined (adrlog^.ctErrors) {
		adrlog^.ctErrors = 0};
	if not defined (adrlog^.ctTicksTotal) {
		adrlog^.ctTicksTotal = 0};
	adrlog^.whenLastRun = ();
	try {delete (@adrlog^.ticksLastRun)};
	try {
		local (tc = clock.ticks ());
		while typeof (adrscript^) == addresstype { //3/6/09 by DW -- moved inside the try.
			adrscript = adrscript^};
		adrlog^.lastReturn = adrscript^ ();
		adrlog^.ctTicksLastRun = clock.ticks () - tc;
		adrlog^.ctTicksTotal = adrlog^.ctTicksTotal + adrlog^.ctTicksLastRun;
		adrlog^.lastError = ""}
	else {
		adrlog^.lastError = tryerror;
		adrlog^.whenLastError = ();
	try {delete (adrid)}} //12/5/08 by DW
<<bundle //test code
	<<subtaskRunner (@workspace.isTwitterDown.script)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.