Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on listPendingUpdates (adrUpdatesTable) {
<<12/16/03; 2:03:59 AM by JES
<<Created. List the pending root updates available from UserLand, which have not yet been downloaded/installed.
<<IMPORTANT: If future changes are made to this script, they must run outside the website framework, since we also call through here to send HTML-email.
local (htext="");
on add (s) {
htext = htext + (s + "\r");};
bundle { //build the HTML text
if defined (adrUpdatesTable^) {
if defined (adrUpdatesTable^.pendingUpdates) {
if sizeOf (adrUpdatesTable^.pendingUpdates) > 0 {
local (ctupdates = sizeOf (adrUpdatesTable^.pendingUpdates), i);
for i = ctupdates downto 1 {
local (adr = @adrUpdatesTable^.pendingUpdates[i]);
local (title = adr^.data.title);
local (link = adr^;
local (description = adr^.data.description);
local (pubdate = date.shortString (date (adr^.data.pubdate)));
add ("<b>" + (ctupdates - i + 1) + ". <a href=\"" + link + "\" title=\"Click to read more about this feature.\">" + title + "</a></b><br>");
add (description + "<br>");
add ("<font size=\"-1\" class=\"small\"><i>Released " + pubdate + ".</i></font>");
if i > 1 {
add ("<hr size=\"1\" width=\"100%\">")}};
return (htext)}}}};
return ("There are no new features or bug fixes to list at this time.")}
<<bundle //test code
<<listPendingUpdates ()
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.