Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.


on pushUpdate (htmltext, type="", userWhoCausedUpdate="", data=nil, userToPushTo=nil) {
		<<9/25/10; 12:13:23 PM by DW
			<<We're waking all the waiting users, but we don't need to. Now we only wake users who are receiving updates as a result of the push.
		<<9/15/10; 11:35:29 AM by DW
			<<Rewrote the logic of to work properly in the case that io.server.follow needs implemented: "push the followed outline to the user doing the following."
		<<9/15/10; 11:01:59 AM by DW
			<<Added a little bit of defensive driving that keeps a non-table inbox from killing the process. This should never happen unless you happen to leave a table open in the outliner, which I seem to be doing a lot. :-(
		<<9/12/10; 8:57:54 AM by DW
			<<Optimization -- when you push an update of type instantOutline from user bullmancuso, you can then delete every other instantOutline update from bullmancuso in each user's inbox. It's like udpating a part in the object dtabase, only the most recent update counts.
		<<9/11/10; 4:37:50 PM by DW
			<<User-level stats.
		<<9/9/10; 12:21:21 PM by DW
			<<Add optional param, userToPushTo. If non-nil, it's the name of the sole user who will receive the update. 
		<<9/1/10; 6:02:16 PM by DW
			<<Only queue the update if a user follows the user who caused the update.
		<<8/13/10; 2:26:56 PM by DW
			<<Store a copy of the update table in the calendar structure.
		<<8/11/10; 3:22:38 PM by DW
			<<Add logging.
		<<7/19/10; 10:06:44 AM by DW
			<<Cribbed from scripting2.root.
		<<7/16/10; 7:43:21 AM by DW
			<<Add another level under each users' realtimeUpdates table, with the IP they're connecting through. 
		<<7/15/10; 8:08:43 AM by DW
			<<Add three optional params, type and userWhoCausedUpdate and data. Type of course can distinguish between classes of updates. I added this so the instant outliner could push its updates out through this channel. userWhoCausedUpdate indicates which user caused the update.
			<<data is any data that should be attached to the update. It's up to the type to determine what data it might want to send.
		<<7/13/10; 7:56:37 AM by DW
	local (adrdata = realtime.init (), adruser, now = (), t, ctusers=0, ctinboxes=0, startticks = clock.ticks ());
	bundle { //user-level stats, 9/11/10 by DW
		if userWhoCausedUpdate != "" {
			local (adruser = realtime.server.inituser (userWhoCausedUpdate));
			adruser^.stats.whenLastPushBy = now}};
	local (serialnumstring = string.padwithzeros (adrdata^.server.stats.ctMessages++, 7));
	<<local (sem =
	bundle { //set up table for update
		new (tabletype, @t);
		t.htmltext = htmltext;
		t.type = type;
		t.username = userWhoCausedUpdate;
		if data != nil { = data};
		t.when = now};
	bundle { //store the table in the calendar structure, 8/13/10 by DW
		local (adrday = mainresponder.calendar.getdayaddress (@adrdata^.server.calendar, now));
		adrday^.[serialnumstring] = t};
	on sendtouser (adruser) {
		local (adrinbox);
		for adrinbox in @adruser^.inboxes {
			if typeof (adrinbox^) == tabletype {
				bundle { //remove all updates of the same type from the same source, 9/12/10 by DW
					local (i, adrq);
					for i = sizeof (adrinbox^.queue) downto 1 {
						adrq = @adrinbox^.queue [i];
						if (adrq^.type == type) and (adrq^.username == userWhoCausedUpdate) {
							delete (adrq)}}};
				<<semaphore.lock (sem, 180)
				adrinbox^.queue.[serialnumstring] = t;
				<<semaphore.unlock (sem)
				adrinbox^.stats.whenLastPush = now;
		adruser^.stats.ctPushTo++; //9/11/10 by DW
		adruser^.stats.whenLastPushTo = now; //9/11/10 by DW
		realtime.server.wakeWaitingThreads (nameof (adruser^))}; //9/25/10 by DW
	if userToPushTo != nil {
		local (adruser = realtime.server.inituser (userToPushTo));
		sendtouser (adruser)}
	else {
		local (adruser, name);
		for adruser in @adrdata^.server.users {
			name = nameof (adruser^);
			realtime.server.inituser (name); //9/11/10 by DW
			if adruser^.prefs.enabled {
				if realtime.server.userFollows (name, userWhoCausedUpdate, @t) {
					sendtouser (adruser)}}}};
	<<bundle //wake up all the waiting threads so they can return
		<<thread.callscript (@realtime.server.wakeWaitingThreads, {})
	bundle { //logging,  8/11/10 by DW
		log2.add (, "Push", htmltext, startticks);
		realtime.server.writeLog ()};
	bundle { //delete obsolete temp tables
		realtime.server.collectTempTables ()}};
bundle { //test code
	pushUpdate ("Hello from Hollywood")}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.