Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.

on newCategory (name, description="", flRenderHtml=false, language="en-us", flNotifyWeblogsCom=true) {
		<<2/13/02; 12:08:46 PM by JES
			<<Create a #prefs.txt file with the appropriate #categoryName directive in the category folder.
		<<1/28/02; 6:33:14 PM by JES
			<<Convert the filename to a 7-bit (non-accented) string.
		<<1/21/02; 9:28:11 AM by DW
			<<New optional param, flNotifyWeblogsCom.
		<<1/20/02; 2:14:16 PM by DW
			<<New optional language category.
		<<1/14/02; 7:54:17 PM by JES
			<<On MacOS, truncate the filename if it's longer than 31 characters.
		<<12/22/01; 4:15:42 AM by JES
			<<Init adrcategory^.htmlUrl to the empty string. Initialize adrcategory^.dateLastUpload to date (0).
		<<12/6/01; 7:24:14 PM by JES
			<<New optional parameter, flRenderHtml, sets whether or not this category will be rendered as HTML files.
		<<1/23/01; 2:42:43 PM by DW
			<<Don't allow file and URL delimiters in the file name for the category.
		<<1/11/01; 6:28:33 PM by PBS
	local (adrdata = radio.weblog.init ());
	local (adrCategory = @adrdata^.categories.[name]);
	new (tableType, adrCategory);
	adrCategory^.description = description;
	adrCategory^.displayName = name;
	adrCategory^.language = language;
	adrCategory^.flNotifyWeblogsCom = flNotifyWeblogsCom;
	local (fname = name);
	local (i, ct = sizeOf (fname));
	<<bundle //old code
		<<fname = string.replaceall (fname, "/", " ")
		<<fname = string.replaceall (fname, ":", " ")
		<<fname = string.replaceall (fname, "\\", " ")
		<<fname = string.innerCaseName (fname)
	fname = radio.string.convertTo7Bit (fname);
	for i = 1 to ct { //convert non-alpha-numeric characters to spaces
		if not string.isAlpha (fname[i]) {
			if not string.isNumeric (fname[i]) {
				fname[i] = ' '}}};
	fname = string.innerCaseName (fname);
	if system.environment.isMac { //truncate to 31 chars
		if sizeOf (fname) > 31 {
			fname = string.mid (fname, 1, 31)}};
	adrCategory^.fileName = fname;
	adrCategory^.flDirty = false;
	adrCategory^.flRenderHtml = flRenderHtml;
	adrCategory^.htmlUrl = "";
	adrCategory^.dateLastUpload = date (0);
	wp.newTextObject ("", @adrCategory^.rss);
	adrCategory^.rssUrl = "";
	adrCategory^.storyList = {};
	bundle { //write out the #prefs.txt file
		local (f = radio.weblog.file.getCategoryFolder (name, adrdata) + "#prefs.txt");
		local (s = "#categoryName \"" + string.replaceAll (name, "\"", "\\\"") + "\"");
		file.sureFilePath (f);
		file.writeTextFile (f, s)};
	return (true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.