Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.

on isDateOnHomePage (d, adrblog=radio.weblog.init (), catname=nil) {
		<<11/13/01; 11:44:10 PM by JES
			<<New optional parameter: catname. If specified, then the script will return true if the date is on the index page for the given category. Rewrote the algorithm used to find posts for the given date.
				<<bundle //old, wonky code
					<<local (ctdays = 0, i)
					<<local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second)
					<<local (lastday, lastmonth, lastyear)
					<<if catname == nil
						<<for i = ctposts downto 1 //find the newest post that's not on the home page
							<<date.get (adrposts^[i].when, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second)
							<<if day == lastday and month == lastmonth and year == lastyear
							<<if ctdays > adrprefs^.ctDaysToDisplay
							<<lastday = day
							<<lastmonth = month
							<<lastyear = year
						<<return (d >= adrposts^[i].when)
						<<local (adrpost)
						<<for i = ctposts downto 1 //find the newest post that's not on the home page
							<<adrpost = @adrposts^[i]
							<<bundle //look for reasons to skip the post
								<<if not defined (adrpost^.categories) //no categories
								<<if not defined (adrpost^.categories.[catname]) //never been in this category
								<<if not adrpost^.categories.[catname] //removed from this category
								<<date.get (adrpost^.when, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second)
								<<if day == lastday and month == lastmonth and year == lastyear //same date as last checked post
							<<if ctdays > adrprefs^.ctDaysToDisplay
							<<lastday = day
							<<lastmonth = month
							<<lastyear = year
						<<if defined (adrpost^.categories)
							<<if defined (adrpost^.categories.[catname])
								<<if adrpost^.categories.[catname]
									<<return (d >= adrpost^.when)
						<<return (false)
		<<9/4/01; 12:30:53 AM by JES
			<<Created. Return true if a given date is on the home page, or false if not.
	local (adrprefs = @adrblog^.prefs);
	local (adrposts = @adrblog^.posts);
	local (ctposts = sizeOf (adrposts^));
	local (min = 0, max = ctposts);
	if max == 0 { //no posts; return false
		return (false)};
	local (ixpost);
	bundle { //find the index of a post on the last day which appears on the home page
		local (adrpost);
		local (lastday, lastmonth, lastyear);
		local (ctdays = 0);
		ixpost = ctposts;
		loop {
			adrpost = @adrposts^[ixpost];
			local (flCheckPost = true);
			if catname != nil {
				if not radio.weblog.isPostInCategory (adrpost, catname) {
					flCheckPost = false}};
			if flCheckPost {
				local (postday, postmonth, postyear, posthour, postminute, postsecond);
				date.get (adrpost^.when, @postday, @postmonth, @postyear, @posthour, @postminute, @postsecond);
				if not (postday == lastday and postmonth == lastmonth and postyear == lastyear) { //new day
				if ctdays >= adrprefs^.ctDaysToDisplay { //break -- ixpost is on the last day on the home page
			if ixpost == 0 { //no posts [for category] found -- any date will be on the home page
				return (true)}}};
	local (adrlastpost = @adrposts^[ixpost]);
	local (theDay, theMonth, theYear, theHour, theMinute, theSecond);
	date.get (adrlastpost^.when, @theDay, @theMonth, @theYear, @theHour, @theMinute, @theSecond);
	local (lastDateOnHomePage = date.set (theDay, theMonth, theYear, 0, 0, 0));
	return (d >= lastDateOnHomePage);
	<<bundle //broken code
		<<bundle //first, do a binary search for a post on the given date
				<<ixpost = min + ((max - min) / 2)
				<<if ixpost <= 0 //no posts on, or after the given date
					<<return (false)
				<<adrpost = @adrposts^[ixpost]
				<<local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second)
				<<date.get (adrpost^.when, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second)
				<<if day == theDay and month == theMonth and year == theYear //got one
					<<if catname == nil //weblog homepage -- return true
						<<return (true)
					<<else //have to find a post in the category -- break and let code below search for the post
				<<if ixpost == min or ixpost == max //that's it for the search -- break
				<<if adrpost^.when > d //split downwards
					<<max = ixpost
				<<if adrpost^.when < d //split upwards
					<<min = ixpost
		<<bundle //then expand out 'till we find a post for the given day, or return false if none found
			<<on searchForPostInCategory (ixsearch, direction)
				<<loop //search more recent posts
					<<ixsearch = ixsearch + direction
					<<case direction
							<<if ixsearch == 0
							<<if ixsearch > ctposts
					<<local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second)
					<<date.get (adrpost^.when, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second)
					<<if inCat (adrpost) //return true
						<<return (true)
					<<if not (day == theDay and month == theMonth and year == theYear) //off the day we're looking for -- break
				<<return (false)
			<<if searchForPostInCategory (ixpost, -1) //search downwards
				<<return (true)
			<<if searchForPostInCategory (ixpost, 1) //search upwards
				<<return (true)
<<bundle //testing
	<<local (d = date ("10/27/01"))
	<<local (d = date ("10/28/01"))
	<<local (d = date ("11/3/01"))
	<<local (d = date ("11/7/01"))
	<<local (d = date ("11/8/01"))
	<<local (d = date ("11/11/01"))
	<<local (d = date ("11/12/01"))
	<<dialog.notify (isDateOnHomePage (d, catname:"foo"))
	<<dialog.notify (isDateOnHomePage (d, catname:"Quotations"))
	<<dialog.notify (isDateOnHomePage (d))

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.