Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on getUrlForPost (adrpost, adrurl, catname="", adrdata=radio.weblog.init ()) {
<<10/2/02; 2:16:06 PM by JES
<<Pass in true for flCreateFolders when calling radio.weblog.file.getArchiveFilePath, to ensure that folders on the path to the post exist. This should fix the "#prefs.txt not found" bug when creating the first titled post of the month.
<<3/12/02; 3:31:07 PM by JES
<<Added the ability to get the URL for posts whose archive pages have not yet been published. Removed an unused local variable.
<<3/12/02; 2:02:16 PM by JES
<<Created. Gets the url of the permanent link for a given weblog post. Returns true if the post's url was able to be determined, or false if not.
radio.weblog.initPost (adrpost);
local (folder);
if catname == "" { //get the weblog archive relative folder path
if adrpost^.flNotOnHomePage { //post is not in weblog archive
return (false)};
local (homeRelPath = adrdata^.prefs.homePageFilePath);
local (homeFileName = string.nthField (homeRelPath, "/", string.countFields (homeRelPath, "/")));
local (relFolder = string.mid (homeRelPath, 1, sizeOf (homeRelPath) - sizeOf (homeFileName)));
folder = radio.file.getAbsolutePath (relFolder)}
else { //get the category archive relative folder path
if not radio.weblog.isPostInCategory (adrpost, catname) { //post is not in category
return (false)};
local (adrcat = @adrdata^.categories.[catname]);
if not defined (adrcat^) { //category doesn't exist
return (false)};
if not adrcat^.flRenderHtml { //category not rendered -- post has no url
return (false)};
folder = radio.weblog.file.getCategoryFolder (catname, adrdata)};
local (f = radio.weblog.file.getArchiveFilePath (folder, adrpost^.when, true) );
local (pageurl = "");
local (adrfile =[f]);
if defined (adrfile^) {
if adrfile^.upstream.url != "" {
pageurl = adrfile^.upstream.url}};
if pageurl == "" { //get upstreamed file extension
local (extension = ".html");
local (atts, directives); new (tableType, @directives);
radio.webserver.gatherAttributes (f, @atts, @directives);
if defined (directives.renderedFileExtension) {
extension = directives.renderedFileExtension};
if not (extension beginsWith ".") { //ensure leading '.'
extension = "." + extension};
f = string.popSuffix (f) + extension;
pageurl = radio.upstream.getFileUrl (f);
if defined (adrfile^) { //cache the url
adrfile^.upstream.url = pageurl}};
adrurl^ = pageurl + "#a" + number (nameOf (adrpost^));
return (true)};
<<bundle //debugging
<<getUrlForPost (@weblogData.posts[sizeOf (weblogData.posts)], @url)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.