Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on getCommentLink (postnum, adrblog=radio.weblog.init ()) {
<<11/11/02; 5:29:22 PM by JES
<<Encode & characters in the comments page URL as &.
<<10/17/02; 12:02:37 AM by JES
<<A bottleneck routine for getting the comment link for a weblog post. Used by radio.html.commentLink and radio.weblog.writeRssFile.
if defined ( {
if not {
return ("")}};
if not adrblog^.prefs.flCommentLinksEnabled {
return ("")};
local (linkarg = "");
try { //set link
local (url, catname = "");
try { //it may be possible for getUrlForPost to fail. we don't want that to cause an error.
local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
if defined (pta^.categoryName) { //set catname
catname = pta^.categoryName}};
if radio.weblog.getUrlForPost (@adrblog^.posts.[string.padWithZeros (postnum, 8)], @url, catname, adrblog) {
linkarg = "&link=" + string.urlEncode (url)}};
return (adrblog^.prefs.commentsPageUrl + "?u=" + + "&p=" + postnum + linkarg)}
<<bundle //test
<<radio.weblog.getCommentLink (42)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.