Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on setTemplate (adratts, flHomePage, adrsite) {
<<12/1/01; 2:44:07 PM by JES
<<Don't use the desktopWebsiteTemplate for folderView pages.
<<11/30/01; 9:15:08 PM by JES
<<If this is the weblog editing page (a.k.a. home page), and flStaticRendering is false, then use the desktopWebsiteTemplate.
<<11/30/01; 12:36:27 PM by JES
<<Convert line-endings in templatetext to \r, before setting the template.
<<11/28/01; 6:32:19 PM by DW
<<Read the file instead of using the cached filetext.
<<11/24/01; 5:21:45 PM by JES
<<If pta^.flUseHeadTitle is defined and true, replace all of the <%title%> macros in the <head> section with <%homeTitle%> macros. Needed for setting the title in the title-bar on the prefs and help pages.
<<10/29/01; 9:29:48 PM by PBS
<<Put the <head> section into pta^.pageHeader, so that autoParagraphs, clayCompatibility, and activeUrls are not run in the <head> section. This fixes the bug with extraneous <p> tags, for example.
<<10/17/01; 3:01:06 PM by PBS
<<Set the template in the page table, not in the website itself, for thread-safety.
local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
local (ftemplate = adratts^.template);
if defined (adratts^.homeTemplate) {
if flHomePage {
ftemplate = adratts^.homeTemplate}};
if defined (adratts^.desktopWebsiteTemplate) { //possibly use the desktopWebsiteTemplate
if pta^.path == {
if not pta^.radioResponder.flStaticRendering {
local (flFolderView = false);
bundle { //set flFolderView
if defined (pta^.radioResponder.postArgs.folderView) {
if pta^.radioResponder.postArgs.folderView != "0" {
flFolderView = true}};
if file.isFolder (pta^.radioResponder.fileBeingRendered) {
flFolderView = true}};
if not flFolderView {
ftemplate = adratts^.desktopWebsiteTemplate}}}};
local (templatetext);
bundle { //set templatetext for outlines
local (adrcache);
radio.file.getFileAttributes (ftemplate, @adrcache);
case radio.webserver.getfilemimetype (ftemplate) {
"text/x-opml" {
templatetext = string (adrcache^.outline)}}
else {
templatetext = string (file.readwholefile (ftemplate))}};
bundle { //convert line endings to \r
templatetext = string.replaceAll (templatetext, "\r\n", "\r");
templatetext = string.replaceAll (templatetext, "\n", "\r")};
if date.versionLessThan (Frontier.version (), "7.1b1") { //patch macro delimiters
templatetext = string.replaceAll (templatetext, adrsite^.["#prefs"].macroStartCharacters, "{", false);
templatetext = string.replaceAll (templatetext, adrsite^.["#prefs"].macroEndCharacters, "}", false)};
<<wp.newtextobject (templatetext, @adrsite^.["#template"])
bundle { //PBS 10/29/01: separate into template and pageheader if possible
local (ix = 0);
ix = string.patternMatch ("<body ", string.lower (templatetext));
if ix > 0 { //found <body> section?
local (pageHeader = string.mid (templatetext, 1, ix - 1));
if defined (pta^.flUseHeadTitle) {
if pta^.flUseHeadTitle {
pageHeader = string.replaceAll (pageHeader, "<%title%>", "<%headTitle%>", false)}};
pta^.pageHeader = pageHeader;
pta^.template = string.mid (templatetext, ix, infinity)}
else { //couldn't find <body> section -- everything goes into pta^.template then
pta^.template = templatetext}}; //PBS 10/17/01: template in page table, not in website itself
return (true)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.