Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on getThreadStats (flIncludeHeader=true) {
<<This script generates a human-readable report from the output of thread.getStats.
<<10/25/01; 4:34:32 PM by PBS
<<10/31/01; 11:27:37 AM by PBS
<<flIncludeHeader, a new optional parameter, specifies whether or not to include general info about this copy of Radio. Set it to false when you're concatenating multiple reports into one.
local (text, indentlevel = 0);
local (fldebug = false); //set this to false when not debugging
on add (s) {
text = text + string.filledString ('\t', indentlevel) + s + "\n"};
<<on isAgentsThread (id)
<<local (adr)
<<for adr in @system.compiler.threads
<<if adr^ == id
<<if nameOf (adr^) == "agents"
<<return (true)
<<return (false)
on getName (id, adrName) {
local (adr);
for adr in @system.compiler.threads {
if adr^ == id {
adrName^ = nameOf (adr^);
return (true)}};
return (false)};
bundle { //header
add ("Radio UserLand thread stats for " + + " run at " + () + ".");
add ("");
if flIncludeHeader {
add ("About This Installation:");
add ("Radio version: " + Frontier.version ());
local (os = "Windows");
if system.environment.isMac {
if system.environment.isCarbon {
os = "Mac OS X"}
else {
os = "Mac OS"}};
add ("Operating System: " + os);
local (osVersion = system.environment.osVersionString);
if system.environment.isCarbon {
osVersion = string.replace (osVersion, "16", "10")};
add ("OS Version: " + osVersion);
add ("IP address: " + tcp.dns.getMyDottedId ());
add ("Email: " + user.prefs.mailAddress);
add ("");
local (t);
new (tableType, @t);
thread.getStats (@t);
local (adr);
for adr in @t {
local (stats = adr^.threadStats);
local (idThread = number (string.nthField (stats, ',', 1)));
add ("id: " + idThread);
<<if isAgentsThread (idThread)
<<add ("Agents thread")
local (name);
if getName (idThread, @name) {
add ("Name: " + name)};
bundle { //more info about the thread
on doField (ix, label, flBoolean=false, flDate=false) {
local (val = number (string.nthField (stats, ',', ix)));
if flBoolean {
val = boolean (val)};
if flDate {
val = date (val)};
add (label + ": " + val)};
doField (2, "Time Started (ticks)");
doField (3, "Time To Wake (ticks)");
<<doField (6, "Time to Wake", flDate:true)
doField (4, "Time Last Got Control (ticks)");
doField (5, "Time Slice (ticks)");
<<doField (7, "Obsolete Boolean", true)
doField (8, "Scheduled for execution", true);
doField (9, "One shot", true);
doField (10, "In control of processor", true);
doField (11, "Called thread verb", true)};
bundle { //do traceback
if defined (adr^.traceback) {
add ("");
add ("Traceback:");
local (oneCall);
for oneCall in adr^.traceback {
add (oneCall [3]);
add ("Line: " + oneCall [1]);
add ("Character: " + oneCall [2]);
add ("");
add ("")};
if fldebug {
wp.newTextObject (text, @temp.threadStatsText);
edit (@temp.threadStatsText)};
return (text)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.