Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
<<10/6/01; 11:54:05 PM by JES
<<This script changes your default upstream server to the new server at Radio.xmlStorageSystem.Com.
<<Radio.xmlStorageSystem.Com will be the default server for all Radio UserLand 7.1 installations.
<<The script first moves your weblog files into the www/system/upstream folder, and updates your weblog prefs.
<<Next, it registers with the new xmlStorageSystem server, and creates a #upstream.xml file which points at your new account. The original #upstream.xml is backed up to #upstream.bkp.
<<Last, it invalidates the upstream cache for all the files in the upstream folder, causing the files to be upstreamed to the new server.
local (server = "");
local (port = 80);
local (protocol = "xml-rpc");
local (rpcPath = "/RPC2");
local (soapAction = "/xmlStorageSystem");
local (passwordName = "defaultXssPassword");
bundle { //ask for a password if needed
if string ([passwordName]) == "" {
if not dialog.getPassword ("Enter a password for your upstream account:",[passwordName]) {
return (false)}}};
local (upstreamFolder, upstreamRelativeFolder);
bundle { //get the absolute and relative path to the upstream folder
upstreamRelativeFolder = + "/" + + "/";
upstreamFolder = radio.file.getSubFolder (upstreamRelativeFolder)};
bundle { //move the weblog to the upstream folder, if necessary; update prefs
local (adrblog = radio.weblog.init ());
local (adrprefs = @adrblog^.prefs);
local (weblogFolder, homePageFileName, rssFileName);
bundle { //calculate the original weblog folder, and home page filename
weblogFolder = adrprefs^.homePageFilePath;
weblogFolder = string.popSuffix (weblogFolder, "/") + "/";
homePageFileName = string.delete (adrprefs^.homePageFilePath, 1, sizeOf (weblogFolder));
weblogFolder = string.popLeading (weblogFolder, "/");
weblogFolder = radio.file.getAbsolutePath (weblogFolder)};
if weblogFolder != upstreamFolder { //move all the files to the upstream folder
local (pc = file.getPathChar ());
on moveFile (fname) {
local (f = weblogFolder + fname);
if file.exists (f) {
file.move (f, upstreamFolder)}};
moveFile (homePageFileName);
moveFile ("rss.xml");
moveFile ("categories" + pc);
moveFile ("2001" + pc);
moveFile ("2000" + pc);
moveFile ("1999" + pc)};
bundle { //update prefs
adrprefs^.homePageFilePath = upstreamRelativeFolder + homePageFileName;
adrprefs^.rssFilePath = upstreamRelativeFolder + "rss.xml";
adrprefs^.rssCategoryFolderPath = upstreamRelativeFolder + "categories/"}};
local (upstreamSpecPath = upstreamFolder +;
bundle { //make a backup of the existing #upstream.xml
local (backupFileName = "#upstream_backup.txt");
local (backupPath = upstreamFolder + backupFileName);
if file.exists (backupPath) {
file.delete (backupPath)};
if file.exists (upstreamSpecPath) {
file.rename (upstreamSpecPath, backupFileName)};
if file.exists (upstreamFolder + "#upstream.bkp") { //this will confuse the upstreaming code -- delete the file.
file.delete (upstreamFolder + "#upstream.bkp")}};
local (greeting);
bundle { //register with the new server
local (data, response);
bundle { //init the data table
new (tableType, @data);
data.server = server;
data.port = port;
data.protocol = protocol;
data.rpcPath = rpcPath;
data.soapAction = soapAction;
data.flDebug = false};
if not xmlStorageSystem.register (user.prefs.mailAddress,[passwordName],, @greeting, @data, @response) {
scriptError ("Can't register with " + server + " because the server returned an error: \"" + greeting + "\".")}; = response.usernum};
bundle { //write out the new spec
local (adrdriver);
radio.upstream.findDriver ("xmlStorageSystem", @adrdriver);
adrdriver^.saveUpstreamSpec (upstreamSpecPath, string (,, passwordName, protocol, server, port)};
bundle { //invalidate cache
local (adr);
for adr in {
local (name = nameOf (adr^));
if name beginsWith upstreamFolder {
adr^.modified = date (0);
if defined (adr^.upstream) {
adr^.upstream.url = "";
adr^.upstream.whenLastUploaded = date (0)}}}};
dialog.alert ("The server said: " + greeting + ".")
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.