Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on folderToHTML (folder, pta) {
<<12/8/01; 7:18:01 PM by DW
<<Optimize the images to be served from the file system if being browsed locally.
<<12/4/01; 12:22:19 AM by JES
<<Don't put the folderView searchArg in the links on icons for files, since it prevents the files from being opened in their native editors.
<<11/25/01; 3:59:26 PM by JES
<<Removed the links and extra space in the folder path at the top of the page.
<<11/25/01; 3:40:35 PM by JES
<<Added some space between the parent-folder links, and the slash-characters at the top of the page.
<<11/24/01; 6:17:32 PM by JES
<<Build html for pta^.title, as a breadcrumb trail. Set pta^.headTitle to the foldername.
<<11/24/01; 2:47:07 PM by JES
<<Commented out POST handling for upstream settings.
<<11/24/01; 11:27:43 AM by DW
<<Linked it into the new help system, commented the upstreaming prefs form at the bottom of each page.
<<Moved the blue arrow.
<<11/14/01; 10:55:31 AM by DW
<<9/5/01; 11:52:10 PM by JES
<<Use single-quotes to delimit the driver name in the value attribute of the options for the driver popup menu. Using double-quotes caused glossary expansion, which hosed the popup menu's HTML code.
<<8/11/01; 5:30:58 PM by JES
<<Don't display invisible files/folders.
<<8/3/01; 3:12:53 AM by JES
<<Handle POSTs for the upstreamPrefs command.
<<8/2/01; 3:17:04 AM by JES
<<Removed Edit button -- the file icon does this.
<<8/2/01; 2:46:36 AM by JES
<<Added a trailing slash character to the up link. This was causing the responder to do a redirect, which discarded the searchArgs. (That is also a bug, now fixed.)
<<7/25/01; 6:49:07 PM by JES
<<Added Edit buttons next to files and folders.
<<5/4/01; 11:09:49 PM by DW
<<Redesigned the rendering.
<<Old code is archived here:
<<fileloop (f in folder)
<<local (flfolder = file.isfolder (f), name = file.fileFromPath (f), iconname = "unknown", iconlink)
<<local (mimetype)
<<bundle //set mimetype
<<if flfolder
<<mimeType = "folder"
<<iconname = "folder"
<<objectType = ' '
<<iconlink = folderimg
<<if name endswith ".root"
<<mimetype = "database"
<<iconname = "skull"
<<iconlink = "<img src=\"/resources/userlandIcons/" + iconname + "\" border=\"0\">"
<<iconlink = "<a href=\"\">" + iconlink + "</a>"
<<local (objectType = file.type (f))
<<case sys.os () // decide what the MIME type is
<<local (extension = objectType)
<<extension = string.replaceAll (extension, " ", "") // strip spaces
<<if defined (user.webserver.prefs.ext2MIME.[extension])
<<mimeType= user.webserver.prefs.ext2MIME.[extension]
<<mimeType = "text/plain"
<<if defined (user.webserver.prefs.type2MIME.[objectType])
<<mimeType = user.webserver.prefs.type2MIME.[objectType]
<<mimeType = "text/html"
<<local (size)
<<bundle //set size
<<if flfolder
<<size = "-"
<<size = string.megabyteString (file.size (f))
<<iconname = user.webserver.prefs.MIME2icon.[mimetype]
<<iconlink = radio.images.systemImageRef ("apacheIcons/" + iconname)
<<local (itemurl = pta^.path)
<<if flfolder {name = string.delete (name, sizeof (name), 1)} //pop off trailing path char
<<if not (itemurl endswith "/")
<<itemurl = itemurl + "/"
<<itemurl = itemurl + string.urlEncode (name)
<<if flfolder == tabletype
<<itemurl = itemurl + "/"
<<add ("<tr>"); indentlevel++
<<add ("<td align=\"right\">" + string.nthfield (file.created (f), ";", 1) + "</td>")
<<add ("<td><a href=\"" + itemurl + "\">" + name + "</a></td>")
<<add ("<td>" + size + "</td>")
<<add ("<td>" + mimetype + "</td>")
<<add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--
<<bundle //add a comment if one is present
<<local (f = folder + "#comment")
<<if file.exists (f)
<<add ("Comment: " + string (file.readwholefile (f)))
<<5/1/01; 7:48:23 PM by DW
<<Converted from Frontier's mainResponder.folderToHtml.
html.setpagetableaddress (pta); //imageref needs it set
local (flsamemachine = pta^.radioResponder.flSameMachine);
local (folderimg = radio.images.systemImageRef ("apacheIcons/folder2", flFileUrl:flSameMachine));
local (fileimg = radio.images.systemImageRef ("apacheIcons/file2", flFileUrl:flSameMachine));
<<bundle //JES: we could use a separate icon for image files, but we need a good icon
<<local (imgimg = radio.images.systemImageRef ("apacheIcons/image2"))
local (globeimg = radio.images.systemImageRef ("qbullet/remote", flFileUrl:flSameMachine));
local (args);
new (tabletype, @args); //args for urls
webserver.parseArgs (pta^.searchArgs, @args);
local (htmltext = "", indentlevel = 0);
on add (s) {
htmltext = htmltext + string.filledString ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r"};
add ("<p>" + radio.string.getlocalizedstring ("folderView.intro") + " " + radio.userInterface.helpLink ("The Folder command") + "</p>");
<<bundle //look in postargs for an upstreamSettings command
<<if pta^.method == "POST"
<<if defined (pta^.radioResponder.postArgs.command)
<<case pta^.radioResponder.postArgs.command
<<local (flError)
<<add (radio.userInterface.upstreamSettings (folder, @flError, pta))
<<if not flError
<<return (htmltext)
local (bluearrow);
bundle { //set bluearrow
if string.lower (folder) != string.lower ( {
bluearrow = "<a href=\"../?" + webserver.encodeArgs (@args) + "\" title=\"" + radio.string.getlocalizedstring ("folderView.blueArrowToolTip") + "\">" + radio.images.systemImageRef ("qbullet/scrollup", flFileUrl:flSameMachine) + "</a>"}
else {
bluearrow = " "}};
add ("<table>"); indentlevel++;
add ("<tr>"); indentlevel++;
local (ctfiles = 0);
bundle { //add the directory listing
add ("<td>"); indentlevel++;
add ("<table cellspacing=\"9\" cellpadding=\"0\">"); indentlevel++;
add ("<tr><td>" + bluearrow + "</td><td><b>Title</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Date</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Size</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Hits</b></td><td align=\"right\"><b>Link</b></td></tr>");
local (f, flfolder, fname, adrcache);
fileloop (f in folder) {
if not file.isVisible (f) { //don't display invisible files
radio.file.getfileattributes (f, @adrcache);
flfolder = adrcache^.flFolder;
fname = file.fileFromPath (f);
local (sizestring);
bundle { //set sizestring
if flfolder {
sizestring = adrcache^.ctFiles + " items"}
else {
sizestring = string.megabyteString (adrcache^.size)}};
local (itemurl = pta^.path);
if not (itemurl endswith "/") {
itemurl = itemurl + "/"};
if flfolder { //pop off trailing path char
fname = string.delete (fname, sizeof (fname), 1)};
itemurl = itemurl + string.urlEncode (fname);
if flfolder {
args.folderView = 1;
itemurl = itemurl + "/"};
<<itemurl = itemurl + "?folderView=1"
local (title = fname);
<<if defined (adrcache^)
<<if defined (adrcache^.title)
<<title = adrcache^.title
local (iconimg);
bundle { //set iconimg
if flfolder {
iconimg = folderimg}
else {
<<bundle //JES: we could use a separate icon for image files
<<local (lowername = string.lower (fname))
<<case true
<<lowername endsWith ".jpg"
<<lowername endsWith ".jpeg"
<<lowername endsWith ".png"
<<lowername endsWith ".gif"
<<iconimg = imgimg
<<iconimg = fileimg
iconimg = fileimg};
if flsamemachine {
local (localargs = args);
if defined (localargs.folderView) {
delete (@localargs.folderView)};
localargs.command = "edit";
iconimg = "<a href=\"" + itemurl + "?" + webserver.encodeArgs (@localargs) + "\">" + iconimg + "</a>"}};
<<delete (@args.command)
add ("<tr>"); indentlevel++;
add ("<td align=\"middle\">" + iconimg + "</td>");
bundle { //add the url
local (url = itemurl);
if sizeof (args) > 0 {
url = url + "?" + webserver.encodeArgs (@args)};
add ("<td><a href=\"" + url + "\">" + title + "</a></td>")};
add ("<td align=\"right\">" + string.nthfield (file.created (f), ";", 1) + "</td>");
add ("<td align=\"right\" nowrap>" + sizestring + "</td>");
add ("<td align=\"right\">" + adrcache^.hits + "</td>");
bundle { //add link
local (s = "<td> </td>");
if defined (adrcache^.upstream.url) {
if adrcache^.upstream.url != "" {
s = "<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\"><a href=\"" + adrcache^.upstream.url + "\">" + globeimg + "</a></td>"}};
add (s)};
<<bundle //add Edit button
<<add ("<td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"35\">" + radio.userInterface.editButton (f, systemImagePath: "icons/editbutton") + "</td>")
add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--;
add ("</table>"); indentlevel--;
add ("</td>")};
<<bundle //add parent folder link (blue arrow)
<<if string.lower (folder) != string.lower (
<<add ("<td valign=\"top\"><table cellspacing=\"9\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td>" + bluearrow + "</td></tr></table></td>")
add ("</tr>"); indentlevel--;
add ("</table>"); indentlevel--;
<<bundle //add the upstreaming prefs form
<<if folder beginsWith
<<local (action = "", buttontext = "Upstream This Folder")
<<if defined (pta^.searchArgs)
<<action = "?" + pta^.searchArgs
<<add ("<form method=\"POST\" action=\"" + action + "\">"); indentlevel++
<<add ("<input name=\"command\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"upstreamSettings\">")
<<bundle //add the popup menu for the driver
<<local (selectedDriver = "xmlStorageSystem")
<<local (adrfolder)
<<radio.file.getFileAttributes (folder, @adrfolder)
<<local (adrspec)
<<if file.exists (folder +
<<if radio.upstream.getUpstreamSpec (adrfolder, @adrspec) //set selectedDriver and buttontext
<<selectedDriver = adrspec^.type
<<buttontext = "Edit Upstream Settings"
<<add ("<select name=\"upstreamDriver\">")
<<local (driverlist = {}, nomad)
<<bundle //add all the drivers to the list
<<for nomad in @radio.upstream.builtinDrivers
<<local (lowername = string.lower (nameOf (nomad^)))
<<driverlist = driverlist + lowername
<<for nomad in
<<local (lowername = string.lower (nameOf (nomad^)))
<<if not (driverlist contains lowername)
<<driverlist = driverlist + lowername
<<for drivername in driverlist //add each driver to the popup menu
<<local (adrdriver)
<<radio.upstream.findDriver (drivername, @adrdriver)
<<local (driverName = nameOf (adrdriver^))
<<local (selectedtext = "")
<<if nameOf (adrdriver^) == selectedDriver
<<selectedtext = " selected"
<<add ("<option value='" + driverName + "\'" + selectedtext + ">" + driverName + "</option>")
<<add ("</select> ")
<<add ("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + buttontext + "\">")
<<add ("</form>"); indentlevel--
local (parentfolder = file.folderfrompath (;
local (foldername = string.replaceall (string.delete (folder, 1, sizeof (parentfolder)), file.getpathchar (), "/"));
pta^.headTitle = foldername;
pta^.radioResponder.ctFilesInFolder = ctfiles;
<<bundle //build pta^.title, as a breadcrumb trail
<<local (titlehtml, ixfolder = 1, ctfolders = string.countFields (foldername, "/"))
<<local (pathpart = string.nthField (foldername, "/", ixfolder))
<<if ixfolder < ctfolders
<<local (url = string.filledString ("../", ctfolders - ixfolder) + "?" + webserver.encodeArgs (@args))
<<titlehtml = titlehtml + "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + pathpart + "</a> / "
<<else //link to the folder
<<titlehtml = titlehtml + pathpart + " / "
<<if ixfolder > ctfolders
<<pta^.title = titlehtml
pta^.title = foldername;
return (htmltext)}
<<bundle //testing
<<local (params = scratchpad.params)
<<folderToHtml ("Backup:Radio UserLand:www:system:upstream:", @params)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.