Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on uploadMultipleFiles (filelist) {
<<Wednesday, September 20, 2000 at 3:32:33 PM by DW
<<Delete temporary debugging code.
<<On Macintosh, replace colons with backslashes in relativePath elements.
<<Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 2:28:39 PM by JES
<<Replace the path character with forward slashes, not backslashes, since the server is expecting a forward-slash-delimited relative path.
<<The reason why it was working on windows, even without this is that the server is a windows computer, so the delimiter was already correct. If the server had been a Macintosh, then Mac users would have been fine, and the bug would have been reported by Windows users.
<<Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 7:23:04 PM by JES
<<Cosmetic change to msg text.
<<10/17/00; 6:07:34 PM by PBS
<<If the password or username are empty, don't attempt to upstream, generate a scriptError.
<<Friday, December 29, 2000 at 9:10:16 AM by DW
<<Added logging code.
<<12/30/00; 7:36:46 PM by DW
<<Move the logging code into radio.log.add, call it.
<<12/30/00; 9:30:46 PM by DW
<<Pass startticks to radio.log.add.
<<1/3/01; 8:04:43 PM by DW
<<Added callback support.
<<1/22/01; 11:04:06 AM by DW
<<Set after every upstream event.
<<2/10/01; 9:54:06 PM by DW
<<Raise the timeout to sixty seconds. Some people have slow connections or might be far away from the cloud. Let's give this a try.
<<2/12/01; 1:27:52 PM by DW
<<Make timeout a pref.
<<bundle //debugging code
<<if not defined (
<<new (tabletype,
<< = filelist
local (startticks = clock.ticks ());
local (timeout = * 60);
local (f, relativePathList = {}, fileTextList = {}, s, pc = file.getPathChar ());
for f in filelist {
s = string.delete (string (f), 1, sizeof (;
s = string.replaceAll (s, pc, '/');
relativePathList = relativePathList + {s};
fileTextList = fileTextList + radio.upstream.getUpstreamText (f)};
local (useremail, userpassword);
with {
bundle { //error checking
if email == "" {
scriptError ("Can't upstream because your email address has not been specified.")};
if password == "" {
scriptError ("Can't upstream because your password has not been specified.")};
useremail = email;
userpassword = password}};
local (flerror, message, urllist, logdata);
new (tabletype, @logdata);
logdata.filelist = filelist;
bundle { //make the xml-rpc call
if sizeof (filelist) == 1 {
msg ("Upstreaming " + filelist [1] + ".")}
else {
msg ("Upstreaming " + sizeof (filelist) + " files.")};
try {
xmlStorageSystem.writeMultipleFiles (useremail, userpassword, relativepathlist, filetextlist, @response,;
<<response = betty.rpc.client (server, port, saveMultipleProcedure, @params, flShowMessages:false, ticksToTimeOut:timeout)
flerror = response.flerror;
message = response.message;
urllist = response.urllist; = response.yourUpstreamFolderUrl;
logdata.response = response}
else {
flerror = true;
message = tryerror;
urllist = {}};
msg ("")};
bundle { //logging
if {
local (htmltext = "");
if flerror {
htmltext = "Error: " + message}
else {
local (url);
for url in urllist {
htmltext = htmltext + "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + string.nthfield (url, "/", string.countfields (url, "/")) + "</a>, "};
htmltext = string.delete (htmltext, sizeof (htmltext) - 1, 2) + " copied to the cloud."};
radio.log.add ("Upstream", htmltext, startticks, @logdata)}};
bundle { //call the callbacks, if present
local (adr, adrcallbacks =;
if defined (adrcallbacks^) {
for adr in adrcallbacks {
while typeof (adr^) == addresstype {
adr = adr^};
try {adr^ (filelist)}}}};
return (urllist)};
bundle { //test code
local (filelist = {"C:\\Program Files\\Radio UserLand\\www\\stories\\2001\\05\\13\\thisIsAlsoATestStory.opml", "C:\\Program Files\\Radio UserLand\\www\\stories\\2001\\05\\13\\testStory.opml"});
dialog.alert (uploadMultipleFiles (filelist))}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.