Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on upstreamMultipleFiles (fileslist, adrspec, adrresponse) {
<<2/1/02; 1:29:17 PM by JES
<<Added support for explicit passive/active mode setting.
<<12/10/01; 11:50:09 AM by DW
<<Display progress in the about window. We can give more detailed feedback than the xmlStorageSystem driver can, so be it -- I want to see as much of what's happening as possible.
<<12/9/01; 11:51:02 AM by DW
with adrspec^ {
bundle { //set up response table
new (tabletype, adrresponse);
adrresponse^.urllist = {};
adrresponse^.flerror = false;
adrresponse^.message = ""};
local (password = string ([passwordname]));
local (flpassive = true);
if defined (mode) {
if mode != "passive" {
flpassive = false}};
msg ("FTP upstream driver: Opening connection.");
local (adrconnection = tcp.ftp.openConnection (server, username, password, false));
local (adrfile);
for adrfile in fileslist {
local (f = nameof (adrfile^));
local (relativePath = adrfile^.relativePath);
local (filetext = radio.upstream.getUpstreamText (f, @relativePath));
local (filepath);
bundle { //set filepath
filepath = path;
if not (filepath endswith "/") {
filepath = filepath + "/"};
filepath = filepath + relativePath};
try {
msg ("FTP upstream driver: Uploading \"" + relativePath + "\".");
tcp.ftp.writefile (adrconnection, filetext, filepath, flpassive);
bundle { //set the url
local (s = adrspec^.url);
if not (s endswith "/") {
s = s + "/"};
adrfile^.upstream.url = s + relativePath;
adrresponse^.urllist = adrresponse^.urllist + {adrfile^.upstream.url}}}
else {
adrresponse^.urllist = adrresponse^.urllist + {""};
adrresponse^.message = "One or more files failed to upstream because " + tryError;
adrresponse^.flerror = true}};
msg ("FTP upstream driver: Closing connection.");
tcp.ftp.closeConnection (adrconnection);
msg ("")}} //clear the about window
<<bundle //test code
<<upstreamMultipleFiles (scratchpad.streams [1].files,["C:\\Program Files\\Radio UserLand\\www\\scriptingcom\\#upstream.xml"], @scratchpad.response)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.