Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on templatePref (templateName, rows=25, flXml=false) {
<<1/27/02; 5:18:17 PM by JES
<<After writing a template file to disk, publish the home page, so the change will be visible on the public site right away.
<<12/20/01; 1:11:17 AM by JES
<<Use file.writeTextFile to write out the new template file, instead of file.writeWholeFile.
<<12/14/01; 1:26:49 PM by JES
<<Call radio.prefs.refreshAfterPost, instead of implementing a redirect here. That bottleneck will be used in other places as well.
<<12/2/01; 6:40:05 PM by JES
<<Fixed a bug where non-xml templates were never written to disk. Rediret back to the same page after a successful POST, so that template changes are reflected in the page rendering.
<<11/26/01; 10:16:54 AM by DW
<<New parameter, flXml, if true, before we write the template file we make sure it's valid XML.
<<11/20/01; 5:57:53 PM by DW
local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress ());
if pta^.method != "POST" { = file.readwholefile (pta^.radioresponder.atts.[templatename])};
local (s = radio.prefs.textAreaPref ("",, rows:rows, cols:80));
if method == "POST" {
if flXml {
try {
xml.compile (, @xstruct);
file.writeTextFile (pta^.radioresponder.atts.[templatename],;
radio.weblog.publish ();
radio.prefs.refreshAfterPost ()}
else {
s = radio.prefs.errorString ("Can't save the template because the \"" + templateName + "\" template is not valid XML.") + s}}
else {
file.writeTextFile (pta^.radioresponder.atts.[templatename],;
radio.weblog.publish ();
radio.prefs.refreshAfterPost ()}};
try {delete (};
return (s)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.