Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on openTemplateFile (fname) {
<<11/7/01; 10:09:20 PM by JES
<<If there's no editor configured for files of mimetype text/plain, ask the user if they would like to open the file with Radio UserLand.
<<11/1/01; 8:43:47 AM by DW
local (atts);
local (f = + "xxx");
radio.webServer.gatherAttributes (f, @atts);
<<scratchpad.atts = atts
f = atts.[fname];
local (mimetype = radio.webserver.getfilemimetype (f));
local (adreditor =[mimetype]);
if not defined (adreditor^) {
local (adrplaineditor =["text/plain"]);
if defined (adrplaineditor^) {
if not dialog.confirm ("There is no editor configured for files of type \"" + mimetype + "\". Would you like to open the file with " + file.filefrompath (adrplaineditor^) + "?") {
adreditor = adrplaineditor}
else { //use radio?
if not dialog.confirm ("There is no editor configured for files of type \"" + mimetype + "\". Would you like to open the file with Radio UserLand?") {
return}; (f); //launch.appWithDocument doesn't work for Radio running on MacOS X under Classic, but does work.
launch.appWithDocument (adreditor^, f)}
<<bundle //test code
<<openTemplateFile ("homeTemplate")
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.