Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on headLinks () {
<<9/13/04; 12:49:42 PM by SK
<<Added correct closing tag to all links to allow validation as XHTML
<<12/14/02; 12:05:15 PM by DW
<<The RSD link was in XML, but the others were not. Changed it so that it's not XML, to be consistent with what's already there.
<<12/13/02; 9:34:43 AM by DW
<<Add link to RSD file.
<<6/2/02; 1:23:31 PM by DW
local (adrblog = radio.weblog.init ());
local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
local (flcategory = defined (pta^.categoryName));
local (htmltext = "", indentlevel = 0);
on add (s) {
htmltext = htmltext + (string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n ");};
bundle { //add RSS link
local (rssUrl);
if flcategory {
local (folder = radio.weblog.file.getCategoryFolder (pta^.categoryName, adrblog));
rssUrl = radio.upstream.getFileUrl (folder +}
else {
rssUrl = radio.weblog.getRssUrl (adrblog)};
add ("<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"RSS\" href=\"" + rssUrl + "\" />")};
bundle { //add mySubscriptions.opml link
if {
local (f = radio.file.getAbsolutePath (;
add ("<link rel=\"subscriptions\" type=\"text/x-opml\" title=\"Subscriptions\" href=\"" + radio.upstream.getFileUrl (f) + "\" />")}};
bundle { //add rsd.xml link
local (f = radio.file.getAbsolutePath (;
add ("<link rel=\"EditURI\" type=\"application/rsd+xml\" title=\"RSD\" href=\"" + radio.upstream.getFileUrl (f) + "\" />")};
bundle { //add blogroll(s)
if defined (pta^.blogRollUrls) {
local (url);
for url in pta^.blogRollUrls {
add ("<link rel=\"blogroll\" type=\"text/x-opml\" title=\"Blogroll\" href=\"" + url + "\" />")}}};
return (htmltext)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.