Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.
on commentOnThisPage (linktext="", title="", adrblog=radio.weblog.init ()) {
<<9/3/02; 11:39:16 PM by LL
<<Added a check to not display the link for weekly archive pages.
<<8/27/02; 3:44:26 PM by LL
<<Added a check to not display the link for monthly archive pages.
<<8/15/02; 8:07:48 PM by JES
<<Call through radio.file.getRelativePath to get the story ID instead of bashing the text here.
<<8/9/02; 1:16:50 PM by LL
local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress ());
bundle { //find reasons not to display the link
if defined ( { //community must support comments
if not {
return ("")}};
if not adrblog^.prefs.flCommentLinksEnabled { //comments must be enabled in prefs
return ("")};
if defined (pta^.flHomePage) { //must not be the home page -- use item level comments instead
if pta^.flHomePage {
return ("")}};
if defined (pta^.flArchivePage) { //must not be an archive page -- use item level comments instead
if pta^.flArchivePage {
return ("")}};
if defined (pta^.flMonthlyArchive) { //must not be a monthly archive page -- use item level comments instead
if pta^.flMonthlyArchive {
return ("")}};
if defined (pta^.flWeeklyArchive) { //must not be a weekly archive page -- use item level comments instead
if pta^.flWeeklyArchive {
return ("")}};
if defined (pta^.flSystemPage) { //must not be a system page
if pta^.flSystemPage {
return ("")}}};
if linktext == "" {
linktext = adrblog^.prefs.commentLinkText};
if title == "" {
title = radio.string.getLocalizedString ("misc.clickToCommentOnThisPage")};
local (s);
if string.lower (linktext) contains "<%commentcount%>" {
s = "<script src=\"" + weblogData.prefs.commentsPageUrl + "?u=" + + "&c=counts\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\r"};
local (linkarg = "");
local (f = pta^.radioResponder.fileBeingRendered);
local (id = string.popSuffix (radio.file.getRelativePath (f)));
linkarg = "&link=" + string.urlEncode (radio.upstream.getFileUrl (f));
local (commentPageUrl = adrblog^.prefs.commentsPageUrl + "?u=" + + "&p=" + string.urlEncode (id) + linkarg);
bundle { //insert JavaScript for comment counter
linktext = string.replaceAll (linktext, "<%commentCount%>", "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"JavaScript\">commentCounter (\"" + id + "\")</script>", false)};
local (onclick = " (this.href, \'comments\', \'width=515, height=480, location=0, resizable=1, scrollbars=1, status=0, toolbar=0, directories=0\'); return(false);");
s = s +"<a href=\"" + commentPageUrl + "\" onclick=\"" + onclick + "\" title=\"" + title + "\" class=\"commentLink\">" + linktext + "</a>";
return (s)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.