Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.

on systemImageRef (imgPath, usemap="", align="", hspace="", vspace="", flFileUrl=false, alt="") {
		<<12/27/02; 1:06:19 PM by JES
			<<Add a space and forward slash before closing the img tag. Fixes a validation problem for XHTML pages, and still validates for HTML 4.01 Transitional pages.
		<<1/31/02; 4:32:46 PM by DW
			<<Added optional alt parameter.
		<<4/18/01; 4:10:59 PM by DW
			<<Moved from myUserLandSuite.
	local (adrimage, url = radio.images.systemImageUrl (imgPath, @adrimage, flFileUrl));
	if usemap != "" {
		usemap = " usemap=\"#" + usemap + "\""};
	if align != "" {
		align = " align=\"" + align + "\""};
	if hspace != "" {
		hspace = " hspace=\"" + hspace + "\""};
	if vspace != "" {
		vspace = " vspace=\"" + vspace + "\""};
	if alt != "" {
		alt = " alt=\"" + alt + "\""};
	local (hw = "");
	bundle { //set hw
		local (adrincache =[imgPath], hwlist);
		if defined (adrincache^) {
			hw = adrincache^}
		else {
			case getbinarytype (adrimage^) {
				'gif ' {
					hwlist = html.getGifHeightWidth (adrimage)};
				'JPEG' {
					local (f = file.folderfrompath (frontier.getprogrampath ()) + "tmp.jpeg");
					file.writewholefile (f, adrimage^);
					hwlist = html.getJpegHeightWidth (f);
					file.delete (f)}};
			hw = " width=\"" + hwlist [2] + "\" height=\"" + hwlist [1] + "\"";
			adrincache^ = hw}};
	return ("<img src=\"" + url + "\" border=\"0\"" + hw + usemap + align + hspace + vspace + alt + " />")}
<<bundle //test code
	<<local (pt)
	<<new (tabletype, @pt)
	<<new (tabletype, @pt.radioResponder)
	<<pt.radioResponder.flsamemachine = true
	<<html.setpagetableaddress (@pt)
	<<webbrowser.displaytext (imageRef ("apacheIcons/folder2"))

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.