Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:05 AM.

on publishStaticPage (fileBeingRendered) {
		<<10/15/01; 1:44:31 AM by JES
			<<Loosened the semaphore -- now lock a semaphore on this+fileBeingRendered, so that you can publish more than one page at a time.
		<<10/11/01; 2:23:10 PM by JES
			<<New verb. Publishes a static page to its corresponding sub-folder of the www/system/upstream/ folder.
		<<10/17/01; 3:31:36 PM by PBS
			<<Set and delete the page table address. radio.webserver.setTemplate needs the page table address. 
	semaphore.lock (this + ":" + fileBeingRendered, 3600);
	local (f, pc = file.getpathchar (), fileMimeType = radio.webserver.getFileMimeType (fileBeingRendered));
	bundle { //set f
		local (relpath = string.delete (fileBeingRendered, 1, sizeOf (;
		f = + relPath;
		if file.fileFromPath (f) contains "." {
			f = string.popSuffix (f, ".");
			f = f + ".html"};
		file.sureFilePath (f)};
	local (atts);
	radio.webServer.gatherAttributes (, @atts);
	local (filetext, sizestring = "");
	bundle { //set filetext
		filetext = string (file.readwholefile (fileBeingRendered));
		if fileMimeType == "text/x-opml" {
			op.xmlToOutline (filetext, @filetext)};
		sizestring = string.countwords (string (filetext)) + " words"};
	local (htmltext, pagetable);
	bundle { //render the page into htmltext
		local (oldPta);
		try {oldPta = html.getPageTableAddress ()};
		local (adrsite =, adrpage =;
		if fileMimeType == "text/x-opml" { //create an outline object
			table.assign (adrpage, filetext)} //it's an outline
		else { //create a wptext object
			wp.newtextobject (filetext, adrpage)};
		new (tabletype, @pagetable);
		new (tabletype, @pagetable.radioResponder);
		pagetable.radioResponder.fileBeingRendered = fileBeingRendered;
		radio.file.getFileAttributes (fileBeingRendered, @pagetable.radioResponder.adrFileTable);
		pagetable.radioResponder.atts = atts;
		pagetable.radioResponder.flStaticRendering = true;
		pagetable.radioResponder.flSameMachine = false;
		pagetable.radioResponder.flImagePatching = true;
		pagetable.radioResponder.adrblog = radio.weblog.init ();
		html.setPageTableAddress (@pageTable); //PBS 10/17/01: radio.webserver.settemplate needs this
		radio.webserver.settemplate (@atts, false, adrsite);
		local (fname = file.filefrompath (f));
		pagetable.title = fname;
		htmltext = html.buildObject (adrpage, @pagetable);
		if oldPta != nil {
			html.setPageTableAddress (oldPta)}
		else {
			html.deletePageTableAddress ()}}; //PBS 10/17/01: delete dangling ptas; they can cause crashes
	local (uri);
	bundle { //calculate uri
		<<uri = string.replaceAll (string.delete (fileBeingRendered, 1, sizeOf (, pc, "/")
		local (nomad = file.folderFromPath (f));
		loop { //deal with nested upstream specs
			if nomad == {
			if nomad == {
			if string.countFields (nomad, pc) == 1 {
			local (specpath = nomad +;
			if file.exists (specpath) { //pop off leading folders
				uri = string.replaceAll (string.delete (f, 1, sizeOf (nomad)), pc, "/");
			else {
				nomad = file.folderFromPath (nomad)}}};
	bundle { //write out the image files, patch image URLs
		if defined (pagetable.radioResponder.imagefiles) {
			local (imagefolder = + "images" + pc);
			local (imagefolderurl);
			bundle { //get imagefolderurl
				imagefolderurl = string.replaceAll (string.delete (imagefolder, 1, sizeOf (, pc, "/");
				loop { //pop off matching folder names
					local (pathpart = string.nthField (imagefolderurl, "/", 1));
					if pathpart == string.nthField (uri, "/", 1) {
						imagefolderurl = string.delete (imagefolderurl, 1, sizeOf (pathpart) + 1);
						uri = string.delete (uri, 1, sizeOf (pathpart) + 1)}
					else {
				local (reldepth = string.countFields (uri, '/') - 1);
				if reldepth > 0 {
					imagefolderurl = string.filledString ("../", reldepth) + imagefolderurl}};
			local (adrimagefile);
			for adrimagefile in @pagetable.radioResponder.imagefiles {
				local (fsource = + nameof (adrimagefile^));
				local (fdest = imagefolder + file.filefrompath (fsource));
				file.surefilepath (fdest);
				local (flcopy = true);
				if file.exists (fdest) {
					if file.modified (fsource) == file.modified (fdest) {
						flcopy = false}};
				if flcopy {
					file.copy (fsource, fdest);
					file.setmodified (fdest, file.modified (fsource));
					file.setcreated (fdest, file.created (fsource))};
				bundle { //patch the HTML text
					local (searchfor = "=\"" + adrimagefile^ + "\""); //the url is the value
					local (replacewith = "=\"" + imagefolderurl + file.filefrompath (fsource) + "\"");
					htmltext = string.replaceall (htmltext, searchfor, replacewith, false)}}}};
	bundle { //patch link URLs
		local (staticUrl = "", dynamicUrl = "");
		bundle { //get dynamicUrl
			dynamicUrl = "http://" + tcp.dns.getMyDottedId ();
			if string (user.inetd.config.http.port) != "80" {
				dynamicUrl = dynamicUrl + ":" + user.inetd.config.http.port};
			dynamicUrl = dynamicUrl + "/"};
		htmltext = radio.html.patchLinks (htmltext, staticUrl, dynamicUrl, uri)};
	file.writewholefile (f, htmltext); //write out the HTML file
	semaphore.unlock (this + ":" + fileBeingRendered);
	return (f)}
<<bundle //test code
	<<local (pt); new (tableType, @pt)
	<<html.setPageTableAddress (@pt)
	<<publishStaticPage ("Backup:Radio UserLand:www:sh6:Stories:2001:10:11:usmanFarman.opml")
	<<html.deletePageTableAddress ()

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.