Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on installTool (adrTool) {
<<12/20/01; 1:03:45 AM by JES
<<Use file.writeTextFile instead of file.writeWholeFile to write the Tool's website files to disk.
<<11/26/01; 11:14:17 PM by JES
<<Possibly install pages from the tool's website into the filesystem. Remove its entry from the websiteFramework responder's docTree table, so the radio responder will handle the hits.
local (addressList = string.parseAddress (adrTool));
local (f = addressList [1]);
local (cleanName = (file.fileFromPath (f)));
local (adrsite = @[f].[cleanName + "Website"]);
if defined (adrsite^) { //if it doesn't have a website, do nothing
if not defined (adrsite^.["#template"]) { //if the website has a template, let the websiteFramework responder take the hits
local (pc = file.getPathChar ());
local (folder = + cleanName + pc);
bundle { //write a #upstream.xml to the folder, whose type is none
local (f = folder +;
file.sureFilePath (f);
file.writeWholeFile (f, "<upstream type=\"none\"/>")};
local (adritem);
on installItem (adritem, folder) {
local (itemname = nameOf (adritem^));
if not (itemname beginsWith "#") { //a page or a table
local (filetext, extension = ".txt");
case typeOf (adritem^) {
tableType {
local (subfolder = folder + itemname + pc);
local (adrsubitem);
for adrsubitem in adritem {
installItem (adrsubitem, subfolder)};
scriptType { //make a wrapper file
local (adrpage = string.popFileFromAddress (adritem));
filetext = "<%" + adrpage + " ()%>"};
outlineType { //convert to opml
filetext = op.outlineToXml (adritem);
extension = ".opml"}}
else { //coerce to string, and write the file
filetext = string (adritem^)};
local (f = folder + itemname + extension);
file.sureFilePath (f);
file.writeTextFile (f, filetext)}};
for adritem in adrsite { //install the tool's website pages into the www folder
installItem (adritem, folder)};
bundle { //delete the entry for the Tool's website in the websiteFramework responder's docTree
if defined ([cleanName]) {
delete ([cleanName])}}}};
return (true)} //always allow the Tool to be installed
<<bundle //testing
<<installTool ("Backup:Radio UserLand:Tools:whoIs.root")
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.