Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on backupAllPrefs (adrStatusMsgCallback=nil) {
<<1/23/03; 7:00:50 PM by JES
<<New optional parameter, adrStatusMsgCallback -- called with the name of the file currently being backed up.
<<11/14/02; 12:08:47 PM by DW
<<Add the following to backups:
<<user.prefs (but not user.prefs.serialnumber)
<<11/13/02; 11:15:45 AM by DW
on statusMsg (s) {
if adrStatusMsgCallback != nil {
try {adrStatusMsgCallback^ (s)}}};
on backupPrefTable (adr, fname, message) {
statusMsg (message);
radio.backup.backupPrefTable (adr, fname)};
local (adrblog = radio.weblog.init ());
backupPrefTable (@weblogData.prefs, "weblogPrefs", "weblog preferences...");
backupPrefTable (@adrblog^.categories, "weblogCategories", "weblog categories...");
backupPrefTable (@adrblog^.shortcuts, "weblogShortcuts", "shortcuts...");
backupPrefTable (@adrblog^.stats, "weblogStats", "weblog stats...");
local (adraggdata = xml.aggregator.init ());
backupPrefTable (@adraggdata^.prefs, "aggregatorPrefs", "aggregator preferences...");
backupPrefTable (@adraggdata^.settings, "aggregatorSettings", "aggregator settings...");
backupPrefTable (@adraggdata^.stats, "aggregatorStats", "aggregator stats...");
bundle { //special code for services
local (services, adr);
new (tabletype, @services);
for adr in @adraggdata^.services {
new (tabletype, @services.[nameof (adr^)])};
backupPrefTable (@services, "aggregatorServices", "aggregator subscriptions...")};
bundle { //special code for user.prefs
local (prefs = user.prefs);
prefs.serialNumber = "";
backupPrefTable (@user.prefs, "userPrefs", "user preferences...")};
backupPrefTable (, "userIm", "instant messaging preferences...");
backupPrefTable (@user.bookmarksMenu, "userBookmarksMenu", "Bookmarks menu...");
backupPrefTable (, "userRadioOutliner", "instant outliner preferences...");
backupPrefTable (, "userRadioStats", "Radio stats...");
bundle { //special code for prefs
local (prefs =;
prefs.serialNumber = "";
backupPrefTable (@prefs, "userRadioPrefs", "Radio preferences...")};
local (adrweblogcomdata = weblogsCom.init ());
backupPrefTable (@adrweblogcomdata^.favorites, "weblogsComFavorites", " favorites...");
backupPrefTable (@adrweblogcomdata^.prefs, "weblogsComPrefs", " preferences...")};
bundle { //test code
backupAllPrefs ()}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.