Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on internalLink (url, linetext, adrprestring, adrpoststring, flsubs=true, permalinkstring="") {
<<5/27/02; 8:08:00 AM by DW
<<Added permalink string, allow the renderer to tell us what to use for the permalink string.
<<9/19/01; 11:42:05 AM by DW
<<Added optional flsubs param. If true we use a smaller graphic for the internal link.
<<Since these items can be quite long (they're not just headlines) we use string.hashmd5 to generate the label.
local (imgurl, imgwidth, imgheight, labelname, linktitle);
if flsubs {
imgurl = "";
imgwidth = 11;
imgheight = 9;
local (i, labelname = linetext, ch);
for i = sizeof (labelname) downto 1 {
ch = labelname [i];
if (not string.isalpha (ch)) and (not string.isnumeric (ch)) and (ch != ' ') {
labelname = string.delete (labelname, i, 1)}};
labelname = string.innerCaseName (labelname);
linktitle = "Permanent link to '" + linetext + "' in archive.";
adrpoststring^ = "<a name=\"" + labelname + "\"> </a>" + "<a href=\"" + url + "#" + labelname + "\" title=\"" + linktitle + "\">" + "<img src=\"" + imgurl + "\" height=\"" + imgheight + "\" width=\"" + imgwidth + "\" border=\"0\"></a>" + adrpoststring^}
else {
imgurl = "";
imgwidth = 6;
imgheight = 9;
bundle { //set labelname
if permalinkstring == "" {
<<According to Jim Roepcke, a label can't begin with a numeric character
labelname = "l" + string.hashmd5 (linetext)}
else {
labelname = permalinkstring}};
linktitle = "Permanent link to this item in archive.";
adrprestring^ = adrprestring^ + "<a name=\"" + labelname + "\">";
adrpoststring^ = " <a href=\"" + url + "#" + labelname + "\" title=\"" + linktitle + "\">" + "<img src=\"" + imgurl + "\" height=\"" + imgheight + "\" width=\"" + imgwidth + "\" border=\"0\"></a>" + adrpoststring^}}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.