Tuesday, March 08, 2011 at 12:00 AM.
on signin (urlRedirect) {
<<3/6/11; 6:36:11 PM by DW
<<Cookie-based signin. If it's a post, check adrpostresult. If true, the user validated, send him to the home page (probably). If false, display the returned HTML.
local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress (), t, now = clock.now ());
pta^.title = "Sign in";
<<adrpostresult^ = false //not a post, or didn't validate
bundle { //initial setup of t
new (tabletype, @t);
t.message = "";
t.username = ""};
<<scratchpad.signinparams = pta^; edit (@scratchpad.signinparams)
if pta^.method == "POST" {
local (args);
new (tabletype, @args);
webserver.parseargs (pta^.requestbody, @args);
<<scratchpad.args = args; edit (@scratchpad.args)
if opmlEditor.member.validate (args.username, args.password) {
local (adrgroup = opmlEditor.member.initGroup ());
local (cookievalue = "username=" + args.username + "&password=" + args.password);
webserver.util.setCookie (pta, adrgroup^.cookiename, cookievalue, adrgroup^.cookiedomain, adrgroup^.cookieexpires);
<<scratchpad.signinparams = pta^; edit (@scratchpad.signinparams)
<<adrpostresult^ = true
webserver.redirect (pta, urlRedirect);
return ("")}
else {
t.username = args.username; //save the trouble of entering it again
t.message = "Incorrect username or password."}};
return (string.multiplereplaceall (string (opmlEditor.data.outlines.signInTemplate), @t, false, "<%", "%>"))}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.