Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on rssToOutline (xmltext, adroutline, url="") {
		<<2/17/06; 3:05:41 PM by DM
			<<Added conversion from UTF-8 to ANSI unless ISO-8859-1 is specified in the XML declaration because UTF-8 is the default encoding for XML.
			<<Changed the display of item descriptions so that they display as sub-items of the title field (or some substitute where there is no title field). This keeps all the paragraphs together.
			<<bundle // old code
				<<on rssToOutline (xmltext, adroutline, url="")
						<<11/23/01; 3:22:28 PM by JES
							<<Re-checked in to fix a problem (also now fixed) caused by userland.cleanPikeRoot.
						<<10/11/01; 2:40:28 PM by PBS
							<<If no url item is present, try to get it from the description.
						<<8/10/01; 7:21:39 PM by JES
							<<Support RSS 0.92.
						<<9/27/00 at 6:23:24 PM by JES
							<<Commented debugging code.
						<<9/27/00 at 6:03:59 PM by JES
							<<Decode XML entities in URLs when setting the link node's URL attribute.
						<<8/16/00 at 2:24:14 PM by DW
							<<Parse the xmltext as a RSS 0.91 channel, into the outline. If url is nonempty, add it as an attribute to the main headline. 
					<<local (xtable)
					<<new (outlinetype, adroutline)
					<<xml.compile (xmltext, @xtable)
					<<on decode (s)
						<<s = string.replaceall (s, "'", "'")
						<<s = string.replaceall (s, """, "\"")
						<<s = string.replaceAll (s, "\r\n", "\r")
						<<s = string.replaceAll (s, "\n", "\r")
						<<s = string.replaceAll (s, "\t", "")
						<<return (xml.entityDecode (s))
					<<local (version)
						<<version = xml.getAttribute (adrRss, "version")^
					<<local (adrrss)
						<<adrrss = xml.getAddress (@xtable, "rss")
					<<else //it may be RDF
						<<adrrss = xml.getAddress (@xtable, "RDF")
						<<version = "RSS1"
					<<local (adrchannel = xml.getAddress (adrRss, "channel"))
					<<local (title = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "title")))
					<<local (channeldescription = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "description")))
					<<local (channellanguage, channellink)
					<<try {channellink = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "link"))}
					<<try {channellanguage = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "language"))}
					<<local (oldtarget = target.set (adroutline))
					<<op.setlinetext (title)
					<<local (atts)
					<<new (tabletype, @atts)
					<<atts.type = "rss"
					<<atts.version = version
					<<atts.title = title
					<<if channellink != nil
						<<atts.htmlUrl = channellink
					<<if url != ""
						<<atts.xmlUrl = url
					<<atts.description = channeldescription
					<<atts.language = channellanguage
					<<op.attributes.addgroup (@atts)
					<<bundle //get the items
						<<local (itemlist, item, ct = 1, insertdir = right)
						<<if version == "RSS1"
							<<itemlist = xml.getAddressList (adrrss, "item")
							<<itemlist = xml.getAddressList (adrchannel, "item")
						<<for item in itemlist
							<<local (url, title, description)
							<<try //url is optional in RSS 0.92
								<<url = decode (xml.getValue (item, "link"))
							<<try //title is optional in RSS 0.92
								<<title = decode (xml.getValue (item, "title"))
							<<try //description is optional in RSS 0.92
								<<description = decode (xml.getValue (item, "description"))
							<<if description == nil
								<<if title == nil //no title or description -- insert the link if there is one
									<<if url == nil
									<<op.insert (url, insertdir)
									<<op.insert (title, insertdir)
								<<bundle //make the description look nice in an outline
									<<bundle //this code is too slow -- don't bother to strip markup
										<<on replaceTag (tagName, replaceStartTagWith, replaceEndDagWith = "")
											<<local (searchString = "<" + string.lower (tagName))
											<<local (ct = sizeOf (searchString))
											<<local (descriptionSize = sizeOf (description))
											<<local (ix = descriptionSize - ct)
											<<while ix > 0
												<<if string.lower (string.mid (description, ix, ct)) == searchString //this is a hit
													<<local (ixend = ix + ct)
													<<while ixend <= descriptionSize
														<<if description[ixend] == '>' //delete up to here
															<<description = string.delete (description, ix, ixend - ix + 1)
															<<descriptionSize = sizeOf (description)
										<<replaceTag ("br", "\r")
										<<replaceTag ("p", "\r")
										<<replaceTag ("li", "\t\r")
										<<replaceTag ("blockquote", "")
										<<replaceTag ("ol", "")
										<<replaceTag ("ul", "")
									<<description = string.replaceAll (description, "<br>", "\r", false)
									<<description = string.replaceAll (description, "<p>", "\r", false)
									<<description = string.replaceAll (description, "</p>", "", false)
									<<while description contains "\r\r"
										<<description = string.replaceAll (description, "\r\r", "\r")
									<<description = string.trimWhitespace (description)
								<<if title == nil
									<<op.insert (description, insertdir)
									<<op.insert (title + " -- " + description, insertdir)
							<<if url == nil //PBS 10/11/01: try to get it from the description
								<<if description != nil
									<<local (ix = string.patternMatch ("<a ", string.lower (description))) //find first link
									<<if ix > 0
										<<local (s = string.mid (description, ix, infinity))
										<<ix = string.patternMatch (">", string.lower (s)) //find end of first link
										<<if ix > 0
											<<s = string.mid (s, 1, ix - 1) //drop trailing >
											<<s = s + "/>" //make it XML legal, as in <a href="foo"/>
											<<local (t) //table will contain tag as compiled XML
											<<new (tableType, @t)
											<<try //compile it as XML, then pull out the href attribute
												<<xml.compile (s, @t)
												<<url = t [1].["/atts"].href //get href attribute
							<<if url != nil
								<<local (atts)
								<<new (tabletype, @atts)
								<<atts.type = "link"
								<<atts.url = url
								<<op.attributes.addgroup (@atts)
							<<insertdir = down
					<<op.firstsummit ()
					<<window.setposition (adroutline, 75, 125)
					<<window.setsize (adroutline, 400, 450)
					<<target.set (oldtarget)
		<<11/23/01; 3:22:28 PM by JES
			<<Re-checked in to fix a problem (also now fixed) caused by userland.cleanPikeRoot.
		<<10/11/01; 2:40:28 PM by PBS
			<<If no url item is present, try to get it from the description.
		<<8/10/01; 7:21:39 PM by JES
			<<Support RSS 0.92.
		<<9/27/00 at 6:23:24 PM by JES
			<<Commented debugging code.
		<<9/27/00 at 6:03:59 PM by JES
			<<Decode XML entities in URLs when setting the link node's URL attribute.
		<<8/16/00 at 2:24:14 PM by DW
			<<Parse the xmltext as a RSS 0.91 channel, into the outline. If url is nonempty, add it as an attribute to the main headline. 
	local (xtable);
	new (outlinetype, adroutline);
	xml.compile (xmltext, @xtable);
	on decode (s) {
		s = string.replaceall (s, "'", "'");
		s = string.replaceall (s, """, "\"");
		s = string.replaceAll (s, "\r\n", "\r");
		s = string.replaceAll (s, "\n", "\r");
		s = string.replaceAll (s, "\t", "");
		return (xml.entityDecode (s))};
	local (version);
	try {
		version = xml.getAttribute (adrRss, "version")^};
	local (adrrss);
	try {
		adrrss = xml.getAddress (@xtable, "rss")}
	else { //it may be RDF
		adrrss = xml.getAddress (@xtable, "RDF");
		version = "RSS1"};
	local (flISO = false); // 2/17/06; 3:05:41 PM by DM
	try {
		adrxml = (xml.getAddress (@xtable, "?xml"));
		encoding = string.lower(xmlAdr^.encoding);
		if (encoding == "iso-8859-1") {
			flISO = true}};
	local (adrchannel = xml.getAddress (adrRss, "channel"));
	local (title = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "title")));
	local (channeldescription = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "description")));
	local (channellanguage, channellink);
	try {channellink = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "link"))};
	try {channellanguage = decode (xml.getValue (adrchannel, "language"))};
	if not flISO { // 2/17/06; 3:05:41 PM by DM
		title = string.utf8toAnsi(title);
		channeldescription = string.utf8toAnsi(channeldescription)};
	local (oldtarget = target.set (adroutline));
	op.setlinetext (title);
	local (atts);
	new (tabletype, @atts);
	atts.type = "rss";
	atts.version = version;
	atts.title = title;
	if channellink != nil {
		atts.htmlUrl = channellink};
	if url != "" {
		atts.xmlUrl = url};
	atts.description = channeldescription;
	atts.language = channellanguage;
	op.attributes.addgroup (@atts);
	bundle { //get the items
		local (itemlist, item, ct = 1, insertdir = right);
		if version == "RSS1" {
			itemlist = xml.getAddressList (adrrss, "item")}
		else {
			itemlist = xml.getAddressList (adrchannel, "item")};
		for item in itemlist {
			local (url, title, description, pubDate); // 2/17/06; 3:05:41 PM by DM
			try { //url is optional in RSS 0.92
				url = decode (xml.getValue (item, "link"))};
			try { //title is optional in RSS 0.92
				title = decode (xml.getValue (item, "title"))};
			try { //description is optional in RSS 0.92
				description = decode (xml.getValue (item, "description"))};
			try { // pubDate
				pubDate = decode (xml.getValue (item, "pubDate"))};
			if not flISO { // 2/17/06; 3:05:41 PM by DM
				title = string.utf8toAnsi(title);
				description = string.utf8toAnsi(description)};
			if description == nil {
				if title == nil { //no title or description -- insert the link if there is one
					if url == nil {
					op.insert (url, insertdir)}
				else {
					op.insert (title, insertdir)}}
			else {
				bundle { //make the description look nice in an outline
					<<bundle //this code is too slow -- don't bother to strip markup
						<<on replaceTag (tagName, replaceStartTagWith, replaceEndDagWith = "")
							<<local (searchString = "<" + string.lower (tagName))
							<<local (ct = sizeOf (searchString))
							<<local (descriptionSize = sizeOf (description))
							<<local (ix = descriptionSize - ct)
							<<while ix > 0
								<<if string.lower (string.mid (description, ix, ct)) == searchString //this is a hit
									<<local (ixend = ix + ct)
									<<while ixend <= descriptionSize
										<<if description[ixend] == '>' //delete up to here
											<<description = string.delete (description, ix, ixend - ix + 1)
											<<descriptionSize = sizeOf (description)
						<<replaceTag ("br", "\r")
						<<replaceTag ("p", "\r")
						<<replaceTag ("li", "\t\r")
						<<replaceTag ("blockquote", "")
						<<replaceTag ("ol", "")
						<<replaceTag ("ul", "")
					description = string.replaceAll (description, "<br>", "\r", false);
					description = string.replaceAll (description, "<p>", "\r", false);
					description = string.replaceAll (description, "</p>", "", false);
					while description contains "\r\r" {
						description = string.replaceAll (description, "\r\r", "\r")};
					description = string.trimWhitespace (description)};
				if title == nil { // 2/17/06; 3:05:41 PM by DM - changed
					if pubDate == nil {
						op.insert ("Untitled item", insertdir)}
					else {
						op.insert (pubDate, insertdir)};
					op.insert (description, right);
					op.go (left, 1)}
				else { // 2/17/06; 3:05:41 PM by DM - changed
					<<op.insert (title + " -- " + description, insertdir)
					op.insert (title, insertdir);
					op.insert (description, right);
					op.go (left, 1)}};
			if url == nil { //PBS 10/11/01: try to get it from the description
				if description != nil {
					local (ix = string.patternMatch ("<a ", string.lower (description))); //find first link
					if ix > 0 {
						local (s = string.mid (description, ix, infinity));
						ix = string.patternMatch (">", string.lower (s)); //find end of first link
						if ix > 0 {
							s = string.mid (s, 1, ix - 1); //drop trailing >
							s = s + "/>"; //make it XML legal, as in <a href="foo"/>
							local (t); //table will contain tag as compiled XML
							new (tableType, @t);
							try { //compile it as XML, then pull out the href attribute
								xml.compile (s, @t);
								url = t [1].["/atts"].href}}}}}; //get href attribute
			if url != nil {
				local (atts);
				new (tabletype, @atts);
				atts.type = "link";
				atts.url = url;
				op.attributes.addgroup (@atts)};
			insertdir = down}};
	op.firstsummit ();
	window.setposition (adroutline, 75, 125);
	window.setsize (adroutline, 400, 450);
	target.set (oldtarget)}
<<bundle //test code
	<<local (url = "")
	<<local (s = tcp.httpReadUrl (url))
	<<wp.newtextobject (s, @scratchpad.rsstext)
	<<rssToOutline (string (scratchpad.rsstext), @scratchpad.rssOutline, url)
	<<edit (@scratchpad.rssOutline)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.