Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on getHashStats (flIncludeHeader=true) {
	<<Get statistics about the in-memory table hierarchy.
		<<10/26/01; 11:07:11 AM by PBS
			<<10/31/01; 11:28:58 AM by PBS
				<<flIncludeHeader is a new optional parameter. If true, include general info at the top about this installation of Radio.
	local (fldebug = false); //set to false if not debugging
	local (text = "", indentlevel = 0);
	on add (s) {
		text = text + string.filledString ('\t', indentlevel) + s + "\n"};
	local (stats = Frontier.hashStats ());
	bundle { //header
		add ("Frontier hash stats for " + + " run at " + () + ".");
		add ("");
		if flIncludeHeader {
			add ("About This Installation:");
			add ("Radio version: " + Frontier.version ());
			local (os = "Windows");
			if system.environment.isMac {
				if system.environment.isCarbon {
					os = "Mac OS X"}
				else {
					os = "Mac OS"}};
			add ("Operating System: " + os);
			local (osVersion = system.environment.osVersionString);
			if system.environment.isCarbon {
				osVersion = string.replace (osVersion, "16", "10")};
			add ("OS Version: " + osVersion);
			add ("IP address: " + tcp.dns.getMyDottedId ());
			add ("Email: " + user.prefs.mailAddress);
			add ("");
	local (firstLine = string.nthField (stats, '\r', 1));
	bundle { //first line
		add ("Hash stats:");
		on doField (ix, name) {
			local (val = string.nthField (firstLine, ',', ix));
			val = string.trimWhiteSpace (val);
			add (name + ": " + val)};
		doField (1, "Max # table items in a hash bucket");
		doField (2, "Total # tables in memory");
		doField (3, "Max depth of table hierarchy");
	bundle { //remaining stats
		add ("");
		add ("Stats by type:");
		stats = string.delete (stats, 1, sizeOf (firstLine));
		stats = string.trimWhiteSpace (stats);
		local (s = "Type" + string.filledString (' ', 15 - 4));
		s = s + "In Memory" + string.filledString (' ', 15 - sizeOf ("In Memory"));
		s = s + "In Tables in memory";
		add (s);
		local (i);
		local (lastch = ' ');
		for i = 1 to sizeOf (s) {
			local (ch = s [i]);
			if string.isAlpha (ch) {
				s [i] = "-"};
			if (i < sizeOf (s)) and (lastch != ' ') {
				s [i] = "-"};
			lastch = ch};
		add (s);
		loop {
			local (oneLine = string.nthField (stats, '\r', 1));
			if oneLine == "" {
			stats = string.delete (stats, 1, sizeOf (oneLine));
			stats = string.trimWhiteSpace (stats);
			local (type = string.nthField (oneLine, '\t', 3));
			local (inMemory = string.nthField (oneLine, '\t', 1));
			local (inTables = string.nthField (oneLine, '\t', 2));
			local (s = type);
			s = s + string.filledString (' ', 15 - sizeOf (type));
			s = s + inMemory + string.filledString (' ', 15 - sizeOf (inMemory));
			s = s + inTables;
			add (s)};
	if fldebug {
		wp.newTextObject (text, @temp.hashStats);
		edit (@temp.hashStats)};
	return (text)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.