Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.


on hierarchyPage () {
	<<Dive into the XML #hierarchy structure and find and build a page
			<<10/13/99; 6:29:53 PM by PBS
				<<Commented out code checking pta^.lastNomad. It appears to be unneeded code -- and actually causes the whole thing not to work on some systems.
				<<Handle default directory items. In other words, works the same as
	local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
	<< = pta^
	local (adrTable = pta^.hierarchy);
	local (adrHierarchy = pta^.hierarchy);
	local (path = pta^.remainingPath);
	<<First be sure the last nomad pointed to the top of this site: if not, the object really can't be found.
	<<if pta^.lastNomad != pta^.adrSiteRootTable and pta^.lastNomad != pta^.responderAttributes.objectNotFoundHandler //PBS 10/13/99: commented out: appears to be unneeded, in fact it causes a problem with some people's setups.
		<<scriptError ("Can't process the request because there is no object named \"" + string.nthField (pta^.remainingPath, "/", string.countFields (pta^.remainingPath, "/")) + "\".")
	bundle { //compile the XML outline if needed
		<<The hierarchy table contains the XML outline (outline) and a compiled XML table (structure). They should be in synch. When editing, always edit the outline.
		local (flCompile = true);
		if defined (adrTable^.structure) {
			if timeModified (@adrTable^.outline) <= timeModified (@adrTable^.structure) {
				flCompile = false}};
		if flCompile {
			xml.compile (string (adrTable^.outline), @adrTable^.structure)}};
	local (nomad = @adrTable^.structure [1]); //points to #hierarchy structure
	on hierarchyDive (nomad, name) { //PBS 6/17/99: dive into an XML hierarchy table
		local (lowerName = string.lower (name));
		local (flFound = false);
		bundle { //find the item pointed to by name
			local (i);
			for i = 1 to sizeOf (nomad^) {
				local (oneName = nameOf (nomad^ [i]));
				if not (oneName contains "\t") {
				try {
					local (itemName = xml.getAttributeValue (@nomad^ [i], "pathname"));
					if string.lower (itemName) == lowerName {
						nomad = @nomad^ [i];
						flFound = true;
		if not flFound { //we didn't find the item
			local (defaults = list (pta^.responderAttributes.defaultDirectoryItems));
			local (s = string.trimWhiteSpace (pta^.path));
			if not (s endswith "/") and (string.lower (defaults) contains string.lower (string.nthField (s, "/", string.countFields (s, "/")))) {
				return (nomad)};
			scriptError ("Can't process the request because there is no object named \"" + name + "\".")};
			<<return (nomad) //don't advance, this way we might at least find the right category, if not the right page
		return (nomad)};
	bundle { //loop through the remaining path, looking for the object in the #hierarchy structure to serve
		while (sizeOf (path) > 0) {
			local (pathPart = string.nthField (path, "/", 1));
			nomad = hierarchyDive (nomad, pathPart);
			path = string.delete (path, 1, sizeOf (pathPart));
			path = string.popLeading (path, '/')};
		<<If this is a category, make sure there's a trailing slash, unless the end of the path ends with a default directory item name.
		if string.lower (string.nthField (nameOf (nomad^), '\t', 2)) == "category" {
			if not (pta^.remainingPath endsWith "/") {
				<<PBS 10/13/99: Handle default directory items.
				local (lowerLastPathPart = string.lower (string.nthField (pta^.path, '/', string.countFields (pta^.path, '/'))));
				local (i, flDefault = false);
				for i = 1 to sizeOf (pta^.responderAttributes.defaultDirectoryItems) {
					if lowerLastPathPart == string.lower (pta^.responderAttributes.defaultDirectoryItems [i]) {
						flDefault = true;
				if not flDefault {
					scriptError ("!redirect " + pta^.path + "/")}}}
		else { //it's not a category, it must not end with a slash.
			if pta^.remainingPath endsWith "/" {
				scriptError ("!redirect " + string.popTrailing (pta^.path, "/"))}}};
	local (type);
	type = string.lower (string.nthField (nameOf (nomad^), '\t', 2));
	if type == "" {
		type = "category"};
	local (htmlText);
	on displayMessage (msgNum) {
		pta^.flReadMessageProcessMacros = false;
		pta^.flReadMessageAutoParagraphs = false;
		pta^.flReadMessageExpandUrls = false;
		add (mainResponder.discuss.readMessage (msgNum, flResponses:false, flResponseForm:false, flShowMsgNums:false, flShowAuthor:false, flShowPostTime:false, flShowReads:false, flStoryHeaderOnly:false, flEditButtonsInHeader:false, flShowEnclosure:false, editPageUrl:"", flShowCowSkullLink:true));
		local (adrMsgTable = mainResponder.discuss.getMessageTable (msgNum));
		local (title = adrMsgTable^.subject);
		title = string.replaceAll (title, "\"", """);
		pta^.title = title;
		pta^.adrMsgTable = adrMsgTable;
		pta^.msgNum = msgNum;
		return (true)};
	on add (s) {
		htmlText = htmlText + s};
	case string.lower (type) {
		"category" {
			local (i);
			local (categoryDescription);
			try {categoryDescription = xml.getValue (nomad, "description")};
			if categoryDescription != nil {
				add (categoryDescription + "<p>")};
			try {
				local (msgNum = xml.getAttributeValue (nomad, "msgnum"));
				displayMessage (msgNum)}
			else {
				for i = 1 to sizeOf (nomad^) {
					local (adr = @nomad^ [i]);
					local (oneName = nameOf (adr^));
					if typeOf (adr^) == tableType {
						if oneName contains "\t" {
							local (linetext);
							try {
								linetext = xml.getAttributeValue (adr, "name")};
							local (description);
							local (itemType = string.lower (string.nthField (nameOf (adr^), '\t', 2)));
							if itemType == "story" or itemType == "category" {
								local (url = pta^.path);
								if not (url endsWith "/") {
									url = string.popSuffix (url, "/") + "/"};
								local (name = xml.getAttributeValue (adr, "pathname"));
								url = url + name;
								add ("<li>");
								local (ct);
								if itemType == "category" {
									ct = sizeOf (xml.getAddressList (adr, "category"));
									ct = ct + sizeOf (xml.getAddressList (adr, "link"));
									ct = ct + sizeOf (xml.getAddressList (adr, "story"));
									ct = " (" + ct + ")"};
								add (html.getLink (linetext, url));
								if ct != nil {
									add (ct)};
								if itemType == "story" {
									try {
										description = xml.getValue (adr, "description")};
									if description != nil {
										add (" - " + description)}};
								add ("<p>")}}}};
				local (title);
				try {title = xml.getAttributeValue (nomad, "name")};
				title = string.replaceAll (title, "\"", """);
				pta^.title = title}};
		"story" {
			local (msgNum = xml.getAttributeValue (nomad, "msgNum"));
			displayMessage (msgNum)}};
	<<Build hierarchy path.
	bundle {
		local (pathText);
		local (adrTable = nomad);
		local (pathBgColor = "beige");
		local (flHierarchyPath = true);
		bundle { //get hierarchy path prefs
			if defined (adrHierarchy^.prefs.bgcolor) {
				pathBgColor = adrHierarchy^.prefs.bgcolor}
			else {
				pathBgColor = pta^.bgColor};
			if defined (adrHierarchy^.prefs.outlineColor) {
				outlineColor = adrHierarchy^.prefs.outlineColor}
			else {
				outlineColor = "#CCCCCC"};
			if defined (adrHierarchy^.prefs.flHierarchyPath) {
				flHierarchyPath = adrHierarchy^.prefs.flHierarchyPath}};
		on add (s) {
			pathText = s + pathText};
		local (ctPops = 1);
		if flHierarchyPath {
			ctPops = 0}
		else {
			nomad = parentOf (nomad^)};
		if not (string.lower (nameOf (nomad^)) endsWith "\thierarchy") {
			loop {
				local (url = "");
				if type == "category" {
					if ctPops > 0 {
						url = string.filledString ("../", ctPops)}}
				else {
					if ctPops > 1 {
						url = string.filledString ("../", ctPops - 1) + "./"};
					if ctPops == 1 {
						url = "./"}};
				local (lineText = xml.getAttributeValue (nomad, "name"));
				add (html.getLink (lineText, url));
				if ctPops == 2 and not flHierarchyPath {
				nomad = parentOf (nomad^);
				if string.lower (nameOf (nomad^)) endsWith "\thierarchy" {
				if flHierarchyPath {
					add (" > ")}}};
		if pathText != "" {
			pathText = " | " + pathText};
		bundle { //was: if ctPops > 0
			if ctPops == 0 {
				pathText = ""};
			local (nextPrevLinks = "Prev | Next");
			local (ix = 0);
			local (i);
			local (adrCategory = parentOf (adrTable^));
			for i = 1 to sizeOf (adrCategory^) {
				if nameOf (adrCategory^ [i]) == nameOf (adrTable^) {
					ix = i;
			on getNextLink () {
				local (i);
				for i = (ix + 1) to sizeOf (adrCategory^) {
					local (linktype = string.nthField (nameOf (adrCategory^ [i]), "\t", 2));
					case string.lower (linktype) {
						"category" {
							local (url = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "pathname"));
							local (title = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "name"));
							if type == "category" {
								return ("<a href=\"../" + url + "/\" title=\"" + title + "\">Next</a>")};
							return ("<a href=\"" + url + "/\" title=\"" + title + "\">Next</a>")};
						"link" {
							local (url = xml.getValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "url"));
							local (title = xml.getValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "linetext"));
							return ("<a href=\"" + url + "\" title=\"" + title + "\">Next</a>")};
						"story" {
							local (url = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "pathname"));
							local (title = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "name"));
							if type == "category" {
								return ("<a href=\"../" + url + "\" title=\"" + title + "\">Next</a>")};
							return ("<a href=\"" + url + "\" title=\"" + title + "\">Next</a>")}}};
				return ("Next")};
			on getPrevLink () {
				local (i);
				for i = (ix - 1) downTo 1 {
					local (linktype = string.nthField (nameOf (adrCategory^ [i]), "\t", 2));
					case string.lower (linktype) {
						"category" {
							local (url = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "pathname"));
							local (title = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "name"));
							if type == "category" {
								return ("<a href=\"../" + url + "/\" title=\"" + title + "\">Prev</a>")};
							return ("<a href=\"" + url + "/\" title=\"" + title + "\">Prev</a>")};
						"story" {
							local (url = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "pathname"));
							local (title = xml.getAttributeValue (@adrCategory^ [i], "name"));
							if type == "category" {
								return ("<a href=\"../" + url + "\" title=\"" + title + "\">Prev</a>")};
							return ("<a href=\"" + url + "\" title=\"" + title + "\">Prev</a>")}}};
				return ("Prev")};
			nextPrevLinks = getPrevLink () + " | " + getNextLink ();
			if pathText != "" {
				pathText = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"" + outlineColor + "\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"" + pathBgColor + "\" align=\"left\"><font size=\"-1\">" + nextPrevLinks +  pathText + "</font></td></tr></table>"};
			pta^.hierarchyPath = pathText}};
	return (htmlText)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.