Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
on addSiteToTree (domainName, path, siteRef, flCreateDomain = false, flConvertToSiteTree = false, adrDomains = {
<<7/9/03; 3:44:34 PM by JES
<<Fixed a bug which could cause invalid XML to be produced for the site tree if siteRef is the address of an object whose name begins with a numeric character.
<<8/13/02; 4:54:46 PM by JES
<<Pass adrDomains to mainResponder.siteTree.convertDomainToSiteTree.
<<8/13/02; 3:47:32 PM by JES
<<New optional parameter, adrDomains. Compile the siteTree XML after adding a new site to the tree.
<<8/6/02; 6:35:22 PM by JES
<<Fixed a pair of bugs which would cause errors when creating a top-level site for the first time.
<<7/1/02; 11:44:22 PM by JES
<<Add a site to the siteTree for a given domain.
<<domainName -- the domain to add the site to
<<path -- the relative, slash-delimited path for the site
<<siteRef -- a reference to the site -- an address or a filespec.
local (adrdomain = @adrDomains^.[domainName]);
try {mainResponder.siteTree.compileIfDirty (adrdomain)};
if not defined (adrdomain^) { //make sure the domain exists
if flCreateDomain {
new (tableType, adrdomain);
new (tableType, @adrdomain^.siteTree);
new (tableType, @adrdomain^;
op.newOutlineObject ("<siteTree>\r\t</siteTree>", @adrdomain^}
else {
scriptError ("Can't add a site to \"" + domainName + "\" because the domain doesn't exist.")}};
if not defined (adrdomain^.siteTree) { //make sure the domain is defined by an XML siteTree
if flConvertToSiteTree {
mainResponder.siteTree.convertDomainToSiteTree (domainName, adrDomains)}
else {
scriptError ("Can't add a site to \"" + domainName + "\" because the domain is not defined by an XML siteTree.")}};
local (flAddress = false, flFile = false, flRedirect = false);
case typeOf (siteRef) {
addressType {
flAddress = true};
filespecType {
if string.lower (siteRef) beginsWith "http://" { //redirect
flRedirect = true}
else {
flFile = true}}}
else { //configuration error
scriptError ("Can't create the siteTree entry for \"" + siteRef + "\" because there's a configuration error for the \"" + domainName + "\" domain.")};
bundle { //add the site to the tree
local (pathAttName);
bundle { //set pathAttName, pop file from address if necessary
if flAddress {
pathAttName = "address";
siteRef = string.popFileFromAddress (siteRef);
siteRef = string.replaceAll (siteRef, "[\"", "");
siteRef = string.replaceAll (siteRef, "\"]", "")};
if flFile {
pathAttName = "folderpath"};
if flRedirect {
pathAttName = "redirect"}};
if path beginsWith "/" {
path = string.delete (path, 1, 1)};
local (xstruct);
local (adroutline = @adrdomain^;
xml.compile (string (adroutline^), @xstruct);
local (adrtree = xml.getAddress (@xstruct, "siteTree"));
if typeOf (adrtree^) == stringType {
if adrtree^ == "" {
new (tableType, adrtree)}};
local (adrtopsite);
try { //get adrtopsite
adrtopsite = xml.getAddress (adrtree, "site")}
else { //create top site
adrtopsite = xml.addTable (adrtree, "site")};
local (nomad = mainResponder.siteTree.dive (adrtopsite, path, true));
if not defined (nomad^.["/atts"]) {
new (tableType, @nomad^.["/atts"])};
nomad^.["/atts"].[pathAttName] = siteRef;
bundle { //delete other atts that may be lying around if we're re-defining an existing site
if flAddress {
if defined (nomad^.["/atts"].folderpath) {
delete (@nomad^.["/atts"].folderpath)};
if defined (nomad^.["/atts"].redirect) {
delete (@nomad^.["/atts"].redirect)}};
if flFile {
if defined (nomad^.["/atts"].address) {
delete (@nomad^.["/atts"].address)};
if defined (nomad^.["/atts"].redirect) {
delete (@nomad^.["/atts"].redirect)}};
if flRedirect {
if defined (nomad^.["/atts"].address) {
delete (@nomad^.["/atts"].address)};
if defined (nomad^.["/atts"].folderpath) {
delete (@nomad^.["/atts"].folderpath)}}};
bundle { //delete all /pcdata tables, since they prevent sub-elements from being decompiled
on visitproc (adrtable) {
if defined (adrtable^.["/pcdata"]) {
delete (@adrtable^.["/pcdata"])};
return (true)};
table.visit (@xstruct, @visitproc)};
local (xtext = xml.decompile (@xstruct));
xtext = string.trimWhiteSpace (string.delete (xtext, 1, sizeOf (string.nthField (xtext, "\r", 1) + 1)));
op.newOutlineObject (xtext, adroutline);
mainResponder.siteTree.compileIfDirty (adrdomain)};
return (true)}
<<bundle //test code
<<addSiteToTree ("default", "foo", "Mac_OS_X:")
<<addSiteToTree ("default", "bar", @createASiteManilaWebsite)
<<addSiteToTree ("default", "baz", "")
<<addSiteToTree ("default", "flim/flam/floz", "")
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.