Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:04 AM.

on googleClone (adrinfo, ranking) {
		<<8/11/02; 2:05:13 AM by JES
			<<Created. A clone of the Google search result look/feel.
	local (pta = html.getPageTableAddress ());
	local (flIncludeSiteName = true);
	if defined (pta^.flIncludeSiteNameInSearchResults) {
		flIncludeSiteName = pta^.flIncludeSiteNameInSearchResults};
	if not defined (pta^.lastSearchResultUrl) {
		pta^.lastSearchResultUrl = ""};
	if not defined (pta^.searchString) {
		local (t); new (tableType, @t);
		webserver.parseArgs (pta^.searchArgs, @t);
		pta^.searchString = t.q};
	local (htext);
	on add (s) {
		htext = htext + (s + "\r");};
	local (urlForDisplay = adrinfo^.url);
	bundle { //clean urlForDisplay
		urlForDisplay = string.delete (urlForDisplay, 1, 7);
		if urlForDisplay endswith "/index.html" {
			urlForDisplay = string.mid (urlForDisplay, 1, sizeOf (urlForDisplay) - 10)}
		else {
			if urlForDisplay endswith "/default" {
				urlForDisplay = string.mid (urlForDisplay, 1, sizeOf (urlForDisplay) - 7)}
			else {
				if urlForDisplay endswith "/default.html" {
					urlForDisplay = string.mid (urlForDisplay, 1, sizeOf (urlForDisplay) - 12)}
				else {
					if urlForDisplay endswith "/index" {
						urlForDisplay = string.mid (urlForDisplay, 1, sizeOf (urlForDisplay) - 5)}}}}};
	local (flIndent = false);
	if (urlForDisplay beginswith pta^.lastSearchResultUrl) {
		flIndent = true}
	else {
		pta^.lastSearchResultUrl = urlForDisplay};
	if flIndent {
		add ("<tr><td style=\"padding-left:30px; padding-bottom:8px;\">")}
	else {
		add ("<tr><td style=\"padding-bottom:8px;\">")};
	local (title = adrinfo^.title);
	if flIncludeSiteName {
		if defined (adrinfo^.sitename) {
			if sizeOf (adrinfo^.sitename) > 0 {
				if string.lower (adrinfo^.sitename) != string.lower (title) {
					title = adrinfo^.sitename + ": " + title}}}};
	bundle { //embolden search terms in the title
		local (words = string.replaceAll (pta^.searchString, "\"", ""));
		local (ctwords = string.countFields (words, " "));
		local (lowertitle = string.lower (title));
		for i = 1 to ctwords {
			local (lowerword = string.lower (string.nthField (words, " ", i)));
			lowertitle = string.replaceAll (lowertitle, lowerword, "<b>" + lowerword + "</b>")};
		local (ct = sizeOf (lowertitle) - 3);
		for i = 1 to ct {
			if lowertitle[i] == '<' {
				if lowertitle[i+1] == 'b' {
					title = string.insert ("<b>", title, i)}
				else { //closing tag
					title = string.insert ("</b>", title, i)}}}};
	add (html.getLink (title, adrinfo^.url) + "<br />");
	local (lastline = urlForDisplay);
	if defined (adrinfo^.text) { //add snippet
		local (ct = sizeOf (adrinfo^.text));
		if ct > 0 {
			add (string.replaceAll ( (adrinfo^.text, pta^.searchString), "://", ":\\//") + "<br />");
			lastline = lastline + (" - " + string.megabyteString (ct));}};
	lastline = lastline + " - " + date.shortString (adrinfo^.lastModDate);
	add ("<font color=\"#008000\" size=\"-1\" class=\"small\">" + lastline + "</font>");
	if flIndent {
		add ("</td></tr>")}
	else {
		add ("</td></tr>")};
	return (htext)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.